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What Is the 369 Method for Manifestation?
The 369 method is a way to manifest your desires and draw them into your life. By repeating your intentions using the 369 method you can increase the likelihood of achieving what you want.
This 369 manifestation method not only helps you concentrate on your goals, but also brings a sense of achievement.
By following this approach for nine days, you can start attracting anything you desire whether it’s a job, financial abundance or improved relationships.
All you need to do is remember to keep practicing daily.
Lets now dive deeper into understanding what the 369 method is and how it works.
What you will learn
- What the 369 method is and how it works
- The importance of the numbers 3 6 9 in mathematics and science
- How to decide what to manifest
- The steps you need to take every day to use the 369 Method
- Whether to write it down or say it out loud, three times a day
- When to use the method – morning, noon and night
- How many days to use the method
- What to do on the tenth day to release your desire and trust that it will manifest at the right time.
What Is The 369 Manifestation Method?
Back in 2016-2017 my team was introduced to the 369 manifestation technique as they learned the concept of the law of attraction.Before diving into how this method can yield results lets take a moment to reminisce together.
Let’s talk about Nikola Tesla, the inventor known for his spiritual wisdom and creations like the remote control and Tesla coil.
Tesla held a reverence for the numbers 3, 6 and 9 describing them as “divine” and asserting that understanding their significance grants access to the cosmos.
In his exploration of vortices Tesla observed a pattern connecting the powers of 3, 6 and 9.
Dividing one, by numbers consistently produced these three digits.For Tesla these numbers held meaning within the fabric of the universe, nature’s design and human existence.
The number 3 symbolizes forces while embracing self assurance and releasing negativity is embodied by the number 6.
To unravel the secrets of the cosmos consider focusing on energy, vibrational frequency and vibration just like Tesla suggested.
These elements play a role in our manifestation process.
Why the Numbers 3 6 9 Are So Important?
When it comes to the numbers 3, 6 and 9. Academics often highlight their significance, both in mathematics and science.
“Academics highlight the significance of numbers 369 in math and science.”
For instance, the number 3 is considered a triangular number. It is also the sum of the three odd numbers (1+3+5=9). It is also noteworthy for being the lowest composite number. Meaning, it’s not divisible by 2 or 3.
In Zalucky’s view, the 369 method involves these three numbers. The numbers combine elements of numerology and the law of attraction.
Here’s what each number signifies within this sequence:
- The number 3 symbolizes our connection to the universe or origin.
- The number 6 represents strength and harmony.
- As for the number 9, it reflects transformation. By letting go of what does not serve us and embracing our evolving selves.
Now that you know what they are and why these numbers are so important, it’s time to learn how the 369 method works.
How Does the 369 Method Work?
In this article, you’ll discover the origins of the 369 method, which was introduced by lightworker Karin Yee. This manifestation technique combines elements from Tesla and Abraham Hicks aiming to enhance your ability to bring your desires into reality.
Step 1: Choose your manifestation
Firstly, select what you want to manifest. So, grab a pen and manifesting journal to begin the process.
Make sure you have these tools for the 33 days. It’s recommended to jot things down manually rather than relying on a computer or phone due to benefits associated with writing by hand.
Let’s kick off with an exercise lasting 17 seconds…
Why 17 seconds? It seems like a number at glance. Abraham Hicks emphasizes how holding onto an affirmation for a duration of 17 seconds can be impactful, because it takes 17 seconds for the brain to amplify the energy generated by focused thoughts.
By concentrating on thoughts for 17 seconds, our brain starts producing more of that energy, aligning us with our intentions.
Have you ever observed that 7-1 equals 6?
Of course you have.
I’ll tackle things in a more feminine manner.
Depending on what you want, your manifestation can look like anything.. This effective method has assisted individuals in attracting wealth, love, new job opportunities and even changing their living situations. There are no limits for what you can manifest, as long as it brings benefits not only to yourself but also to others and the world around you.
To begin your manifestation journey, start by expressing gratitude, immerse yourself in the emotions and conclude with the phrase “into my life.”
For instance;
“I am grateful that the universe has aligned to bring $10,000 into my bank account granting me freedom, joy and excitement into my life.”
The key is to use words that amplify the feelings and energy you aim to draw towards yourself.
In this example, I incorporated terms, like “freedom,” “joy,” and “excitement” because they’re words that evoke physical sensations within your being.
Another possible example is:
“I will be eternally grateful to the cosmos for bringing my soulmate into my life.” It’s given me a deep sense of love, tranquillity, pleasure, and fulfillment.”
It’s time to begin the first of 33 days of the 369-manifestation technique after you’ve developed your manifestation – that is when it takes to write two sentences.
Step 2: Write in your journal three times in the morning
Make sure to grab your journal every morning right after you wake up. Take a moment to visualize your desires three times using the 17 second manifestation technique. The key to attracting what you desire is focusing on the feelings and energy it brings rather than worrying about when or if it will happen.
Imagine the joy of money flowing into your life and the excitement of seeing your bank account grow. Think about how you long for your match and feel confident that you are destined to be, with them.
The power of the universe cannot be denied.
You must believe in yourself and trust in the universe.
Instead of hanging on to your manifestation, begin your day by letting it go.
While you’re at it, let go of your limiting beliefs about money.
We realize that if you hold on to your manifestation too tightly, it will not occur since the world is full of lack and fear.
The solution to giving up control may be to apply it to something you want in your life, but you don’t have to have it right now.
Step 3: Write in your journal six times at midday
After lunch, grab your journal. Write down the positive affirmation six times in a row. Imagine how amazing it would feel to achieve your goal while you’re writing.
If writing in your journal feels difficult try typing it ou t on your computer or phone
You could also try saying your affirmation out
The key is to infuse it with emotion and feeling. The heartfelt you are, the greater impact it will have.
When I’m feeling down I find that smiling can trick my brain into feeling happier. It might sound strange. It really does work!. If you record yourself smiling it’ll start to feel more natural, over time. Just remember to relax and enjoy the rest of your day once you’re done filming.
Step 4: Before going to bed, write down your desire nine times
Before heading to bed make sure to jot down in your notebook the manifestations you focused on earlier, in the day using the technique. The initial three scripts were created with a purpose in mind; the six enhance them and the final nine solidify this objective.
Given its foundation on the concept of three minute intervals and aligning energies as discussed in Abraham Hicks teachings it’s no wonder that many individuals have found success with the 369 manifestation method.
Commit to practicing the 369 approach for manifestation over 33 days (3 multiplied by 3 equals 9 or 3 plus 3 equals 6) to witness the results it can bring about.
You may have noticed changes after implementing the 369 manifestation technique. By taking that step you’ve broadened your perspective. Embraced opportunities for love and self discovery gaining insights into your desires and preferences, in a partner. Sometimes even a disastrous date can lead to growth compared to staying home.
Who was Nikola Tesla?
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia. He was the child of Milutin Tesla and Djuka Mandic who were both followers of the Orthodox Christian faith. His father worked as a clergyman while his mother took care of the family’s farm.
Renowned as an engineer, inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla is famously recognized for his groundbreaking work on the alternating AC) electrical system.
Additionally, he is acknowledged for his contributions to the development of radio technology remote control devices and fluorescent lighting.
369 Manifestation Method Suggestions
Remember to speak as if your wish has already been granted. This approach can help bring your desires to life. By focusing on what you desire in the moment and holding the belief that it’s already yours you signal to the universe your readiness to receive.
Don’t fret much about how or when your manifestation will occur. Trust in timing.
Have faith that when the time is right and your energy aligns, with your desires they will manifest in your reality
- Trust that your wish will come true much sooner than the 33 days!
- The perfect timing will ensure that your desires come to fruition when you are ready to embrace them.
- Do not give up if you have completed the 33 days and still cannot gain magic.
- Put this out there and trust that it will be yours soon since you have claimed it!
Continue your efforts.
To make this method effective, write down your goals three times in the morning, six in the daytime and nine before going to bed. Remind yourself to stay on track. Trust me you won’t regret making room for this.
If negative thoughts or self doubt start creeping in while using the 369 technique it can be challenging to stay focused on your goals.
When you have concerns, take a step back and write down your goals an additional time.
- Is it true or just a fantasy?
- Is there anything you can do about your doubt, or must you accept something you have no control over?
- Can you reframe the situation?
Manifesting money can sometimes involve challenges. To attract wealth it’s essential to establish a connection with your goals. Take a moment to visualize yourself holding $10,000—can you truly envision it. Have faith in its possibility?
Repeat this exercise until you’ve attained the desired sum.
Give yourself some time to adjust afterward.
What Should You Expect From The 369 Method?
The 369 Manifestation Method is a strategy that helps turn your thoughts into reality. To manifest your desires, focus on using visualizations and positive affirmations.
Start by clarifying what you want whether it’s a career, relationship, wealth or good health. Imagine vividly having achieved your goal. Feel the emotions associated with it.
For example, picture yourself driving a car with joy while others admire it as you drive by.
Alongside visualization incorporate affirmations, like “I’m deserving of love” or “I am capable of success.” These affirmations can reprogram your mind.
The 369 method is a powerful instrument for manifesting anything you want.
All it takes is some time, concentration, and faith in yourself.
Give it a shot right now!
The 369 Manifestation Method is a popular manifestation technique that is supposed to help. However, there are several often asked questions about the procedure.
Here are some of the most frequently requested questions answered:
What are the advantages of using the 369 method?
The 369 Manifestation Technique is a method for drawing in wealth and abundance.
It involves focusing on thoughts and emotions to bring positivity into your life. By utilizing your imagination to visualize achieving your goals you can manifest anything you desire whether its success, a fulfilling relationship or good health.
The beauty of the 369 Manifestation Technique lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. By regularly practicing the 369 method, it can positively transform your life in ways you may not have thought possible.
How to determine whether the 369 method is effective for you?
The 369 Manifestation Technique is a tool for bringing your desires to life. However it’s essential to assess its effectiveness for you.
Certain key indicators will help determine if the 369 Manifestation Technique is working for you;You’ll experience an enhancement in your ability to manifest, making it easier and quicker to bring your desires into reality.Your manifestations will occur frequently allowing you to attract more of what you desire.
You’ll notice an uplift in your happiness and well being.If you find that your life is becoming more joyful and fulfilling then the 369 method is indeed making an impact on you!
What should you do once you’ve completed all 369 manifestation method steps?
After you’ve finished all 369 method steps, take some time to relax and reflect on your achievements.
It’s a significant milestone in your path, and you should rejoice.
Begin by taking a few deep breaths and allowing yourself to experience the enormous pride and joy that comes with completing the manifestation process.
Then, go back through your journal and reflect on your development.
Remember all of the obstacles you overcome and lessons you learnt.
Finally, take the time to contemplate your future and all of the options that are now available to you. Congratulations on a job well done; you deserve it!
How to make the most of the 369 method?
The 369 method is a powerful manifestation instrument, but it must be used correctly to be effective. First and foremost, you must be clear on what you want to manifest.
The more particular you can be, the better. Second, you must believe that what you are manifesting is possible.
The cosmos will align to offer you what you require, but you must believe it is possible.
Third, it is critical to take action toward your goal.
The universe will present you with opportunities, but it is up to you to take advantage of them.
Finally, patience and perseverance are required.
Things may not happen overnight, but you will eventually reach your goal if you keep working hard.
You can increase your chances of success with the 369 Manifestation Method by following these guidelines.
What is the 369 method of manifestation?
The “3 6 9 method” or 369 method is a manifestation technique that is believed to help. The technique concentrates on want and then repeats the affirmation, “I am open and receptive to getting [desire].” You may assist bring your goal into reality by saying this affirmation three times a day for nine days in a row.
What are the advantages of using the 369 manifestation method?
The 369 method for manifesting purposed is said to have the following advantages:
- It is claimed to help you match your ideas and energy with what you want.
- It is said to help you become more clear about what you want.
- It is claimed to boost your confidence and conviction in manifesting your desires.
It is claimed to assist you in generating a powerful intention that will help you attract what you want into your life.
Is there anything negative about employing the 369 method?
The 369 method has been shown to be a way to bring your wishes to life.
Some experts have raised concerns about the downsides of the 369 Method. One issue is that it heavily relies on the Law of Attraction potentially leading to a self fulfilling prophecy.
This could deter people from pursuing their goals especially if they think success hinges solely on practicing the 369 method.
Moreover for some individuals constantly focusing on their desires might evoke emotions or stress.
Others may find value in utilizing manifestation strategies. To sum up while the 369 Method serves as a tool, for manifestation it does come with its limitations.

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.
Read My Story here.
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