Learn how to apply the law of attraction using execution plans
The most common complaints we receive from our students about law of attraction communities and instructors is that they are too abstract and whimsical.
This is why we’ve spent years working to make the lessons more practical and useful. The programs we’ve developed are now known as Execution Plans.
The Execution plans are goal achievement checklists on steroids.
You’ll have access to a manifesting rate, to see how long it will take to manifest your goal, and a daily process to reach that goal.
The Dreammaker Manifesting model
Each of our programs follows a four-step formula for applying the law of attraction.

1. Be specific
Get specific about your dream, and what you wish to attract into your life. Clearly map out what you want don’t want, to get clarity on what you do want. Be definite and detailed using our 5D goal setting formula.

2. Visualize
Take some time each day to visualize your ideal lifestyle and dream. This will generate a gravitational force that draws you toward the chosen goal.

3. Systematized thinking
Repetition and affirmations create an imprint in the subconscious mind, which transmits a frequency that is similar to you to all things connected.

4. Receive what you want
Raise your self-confidence and welcome change by believing in yourself. When you live in good faith, the more quickly your vision will come true.
Here’s What You’ll Get
We provide additional life-changing advantages in addition to goal-setting, execution plans, and the 3-step core Triangle Manifesting Method.
What We Expect From You
Life’s most basic rule is this: life is difficult if you’re easy on yourself. Life becomes simple if you are self-disciplined and hard on yourself. We expect that you make a daily habit to complete the manifesting process offered in our membership program.
Although the Law of Attraction has aided many our students in achieving financial independence and positive outcomes beyond their wildest dreams, mind power is still new territory. DreamMaker’s implementation plans, while practical, are not a substitute for taking action to achieve your objectives. We provide this information as Certified Business Coaches and Certified Business Processes instructors.