Vision Board Checklist

Vision Board Checklist: 13 Things You Must Have

A vision board checklist is a list of items and materials that you need to create a physical vision board.

It can include everything from:

  1. Type of board you need
  2. Images or Cutouts
  3. Words

Having a structured vision board checklist can be incredibly helpful. It will keep you organized and focused during the creation process.

It ensures that you don’t overlook any elements that should be included.

Some people emphasize the materials while others offer guidance on selecting the images and words for your board.

Other checklists are more thorough than others catering to goal types, like career or health goal.

Regardless of which checklist you opt for, what truly matters is that it aligns with your personal needs – and that it works effectively for you.

Why Use a Vision Board Checklist

Why Use a Vision Board Checklist

A vision board is a powerful tool that can help individuals manifest their goals and dreams. It is a visual representation of one’s aspirations and desires, and it can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. However, creating a vision board can be overwhelming, especially for those who are new to the practice.

That is why using a vision board checklist can be beneficial.

  • Organization: By providing a structured approach to selecting images and quotes, individuals can organize their thoughts and goals systematically.
  • Clarity: It helps clarify their intentions by breaking down complex goals into tangible steps.
  • Completeness: A checklist prevents crucial elements from being overlooked during the creation process.

Having a vision board checklist can help individuals stay organized and focused. It can guide them through the process of creating a vision board, ensuring that they do not forget any important elements. A checklist can also help individuals identify their goals and desires, allowing them to create a vision board that truly reflects their aspirations.

A vision board checklist can also help individuals clarify their goals.

By breaking down their goals into specific, actionable steps, individuals can gain a better understanding of what they want to achieve and how they can achieve it.

This can make the process of creating a vision board more meaningful and effective.

Finally, a vision board checklist can help individuals stay motivated. By having a clear plan of action, individuals can feel more confident in their ability to achieve their goals.

They can also use their vision board checklist as a tool for tracking their progress and celebrating their successes along the way.

Preparing to Create Your Vision Board

Preparing to Create Your Vision Board

Before creating a vision board, it is important to determine your goals and aspirations. This will help you select the right images and words to include on your board.

Here are some steps to help you create your own vision board checklist:

Determine Your Goals

The first step in creating a vision board is to identify your goals. Ask yourself what you want to bring into reality whether it’s in the coming weeks, months or even years. It’s important to be specific yet realistic when setting your goals. Once you have determined your objectives you can proceed with the process.

Choose images and Words

After establishing your goals, select emotionally impactful images and words that align with them. Seek inspiration from magazines, sources. Create your own visuals. Opt for vision board images and words that deeply resonate with you and motivate you to take action. You may also consider incorporating quotes or affirmations.

Organize your board

Once you have chosen the images, words and supplies, it’s time to organize them on your board. Arrange them in a way that feels logical and meaningful to you. You can group them based on themes, colors or any other criteria that make sense in relation to your goals. Take your time experimenting with arrangements until you find one that feels just right.

Adding Personal Touches

Finally, add personal touches to make your vision board unique and special to you. Consider embellishments like stickers or washi tape, for added appeal. Additionally, including photos or mementos can further personalize the board.The board becomes more significant to you when it reflects your touch.

Vision Board Checklist

1. Your goal

The first thing on your checklist is the goal that you want to achieve  with your vision board. Make sure that it is specific and achievable.

2. Positive affirmations

Write out positive affirmations about yourself or the goal you want to achieve on cards, post-it notes, or another type of paper and include them in your board.

3. Images

Gather images that inspire you and evoke positive emotions associated with your goal. These can include magazine cutouts or photos from the internet.

 4. Inspiring Quotes

Include quotes that motivate and uplift you on your vision board. You can write them out or find them online to print and add to your board.

5. Decorative elements

Make your vision board unique by adding decorative elements like stickers, ribbon, fabric, or other embellishments.

 6. Goals

Write out a few of your goals and add them to the board. Make sure that they are specific and achievable.

7. Board

To create a vision board, you need a display board where you can attach the symbols representing your goals. Display boards are available in various sizes, colors, and materials.

8. Scizzors

We suggest that you have both a scissors and a cutter among your cutting tools. Additionally, you can purchase a craft knife to decorate your display board, and decorative scissors can enhance your paper-cut designs.

9. Glue

When making a vision board, it is common to use white glue for long-term goals. For short-term goals, it is recommended to use tape instead, as it can easily be replaced. You can also consider using pushpins, magnets, or putty depending on the type of display board you have.

10. Adhesive Tape

To make a vision board, you can choose from various types of tape. There are plain colored ones, which are ideal for minimalistic designs, and decorative ones with patterns and images.

11. Markers

To create the words on your vision board, utilize markers. Different types of markers are available, and it may be beneficial to have at least one of every type.

12. Stickers

Stickers are similar to adhesive tape because they allow you to customize your vision board. You have numerous sticker options to select from.

13. Magazine Cutouts

Design vision board is similar to making a scrapbook with cutouts and crafts. Instead of searching and printing pictures from the internet, you can find suitable images in your old magazines at home. No need to stress yourself out!

Assembly and Usage



Creating a vision board goes beyond having clear goals.

Arrangement of Elements

It’s important to arrange the elements on the board in a way that reflects their significance and desired outcomes. For instance you can place your goal at the center of the board to demonstrate its priority. Adding symbols of your dreams or motivational quotes near images of your goals can further reinforce your aspirations.

Placement and Visibility

Choosing the location for your vision board is crucial. It should be placed in a spot that you encounter daily like your bedroom or home office. The visibility of the board serves as a reminder of your goals. Helps you stay focused. Make sure to position it at eye level so that it doesn’t go unnoticed throughout the day.

Regular Interaction and Reflection

Regularly interacting with and reflecting upon your vision board is essential for maintaining motivation. Take time to reflect on your progress towards achieving your goals. This may involve updating the board with images or quotes that represent evolving aspirations or reaffirming commitment, to realizing success.

Using Your Vision Board Checklist

Once you have gathered all the materials and created your vision board it’s crucial to utilize your vision board checklist as a guide to stay on track and accomplish your goals.

Here are a few ways you can make use of your checklist:

1. Daily Check In

To maintain motivation and focus make it a habit to check in with your vision board every day. Dedicate a minute each morning or evening to review your board and visualize yourself successfully achieving each goal. Utilize the checklist as a reminder of the steps you need to take in order to turn those goals into reality.

2. Tracking Progress:

As you progress towards your goals utilize the checklist to keep track of your accomplishments. For instance if one of your objectives is to exercise three times per week mark off each day on the checklist whenever you complete a workout session. This will not allow you to see how far you’ve come but also serve as motivation for progress.

3. Making Adjustments:

Throughout the journey towards reaching your goals it’s possible that certain actions listed on your checklist may not be yielding desired results. It could be necessary to tweak aspects such as workout schedules or even explore job search strategies. The checklist provides an opportunity for reflection where any adjustments required can be noted down followed by taking measures towards implementing those changes.

By using your vision board checklist regularly, you can stay focused, motivated, and on track towards achieving your goals.


Creating a vision board can be a tool to visualize and achieve our goals. The process involves choosing images and words that represent our desires and dreams which helps us clarify and strengthen our aspirations in our minds.

By looking at the vision board we can stay focused on our goals. Feel motivated to take action towards achieving them. When making a vision board it’s essential to consider the categories and themes that matter most in our lives. Whether its career objectives, personal relationships, health, wellness or spiritual aspirations, selecting images and words that resonate with these areas will make the vision board more comprehensive and meaningful.

Additionally selecting materials is crucial for an inspiring vision board. Colorful magazines, uplifting quotes or photographs of role models can all contribute to creating a captivating and emotionally uplifting vision board. By choosing materials that evoke emotions and feelings when viewed we can ensure that the vision board becomes both motivating and enjoyable.

Remember to update and revise your vision board as your goals evolve over time.

By keeping it current and relevant, to your changing aspirations you’ll continue to stay motivated while focusing on achieving your desired outcomes.

petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.

Read My Story here.

vision board checklist is a list of items and materials that you need to create a physical vision board. It can include everything from: Type of board you need Images or Cutouts Words Quotes Having a structured vision board checklist can be incredibly helpful. It will keep you organized and focused during" data-link="">

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