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What are the most successful companies doing differently today?
How will your industry change by 2024?
What percent of people are successful?
Check out these success statistics to stay ahead of the curve.
There is a lot of competition among firms in today’s market. Because many companies provide almost the same high-quality products and services at close to the same cost, there has been an increase in rivalry.
One of the most important things to understand to be successful in any field is knowing what has worked for others in the past.
By looking at success statistics, facts, and general trends, we can get an idea of what might work for us in the future.
This information can help you reach your own goals and achieve success.
Let’s explore some key success statistics.
Key Success Statistics
- People who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them.
- The vast majority of wealthy people became so through their hard work. Less than 5% inherited their money.
- Self-made millionaires typically have a strong work ethic and are very disciplined with their finances.
- 80 % of participants could stick to their New year’s resolutions for at least one week, and nearly half were still on track after six months.
- Nearly 72 % of people who consider themselves successful attribute their success to specific habits they have developed over time.
- Nearly 95% said that networking was important to their success. This shouldn’t be surprising, as networking provides access to opportunities, information, and resources to help people achieve their goals.
- 4.7% of people who set a new year’s resolution successfully achieved it.
- A study of over 500 CEOs found that most started their first business before age 35.
- 85% of people achieve success in their lives. The study by the University of Maryland surveyed a group of adults aged 18-24 and asked about their current success level.
- 85% of people succeed while 15% don’t is how they approach their goals.
- Approximately 80 % of personal success is attributed to hard work and dedication, while the remaining 20 % results from luck or timing.
- Only 8% of people achieve their new year’s resolutions.
- 92% of people give up on their goals- so if you’re feeling motivated, you’re already ahead of the majority!
- It is estimated that only 3% of the population achieves their goals, the rest of people fail.
- 96% of people who don’t achieve success blame their lack of effort. Only 4% of people who don’t achieve success blame their lack of ability.
Business Success Statistics
Several factors contribute to business success according to success statistics.
Hard work and dedication are important, but so are timing and luck.
According to a study by the Small Business Administration, only about 50% of small businesses survive for five years or more. And of those that survive, only about a third make it to 10 years or more. It is often said that more than half of new businesses fail in the first year. However, this may not be accurate. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that about 20% of new businesses fail in their first two years, 45% in their first five years, and 65% in their first ten years. Only 25% survive for 15 years or longer.
General business statistics
- The number of new businesses being created is on the rise.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of new businesses being created yearly has increased since 2010. In 2017, nearly 663,000 new businesses were created, a significant increase from the roughly 565,000 new businesses created in 2010. - The number of people starting businesses is also on the rise.
More businesses are being created, and more people are starting businesses. According to the Kauffman Foundation, the rate of new business formation has been increasing since 2014, with a particularly significant jump between 2016 and 2017. - Most new businesses are started by people who are already employed.
One of the most surprising statistics about new businesses is that most of them are started by people already employed. According to an Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation report, nearly 60% of new business owners were employed when they started their businesses.
Reasons for Business Failure Rate Statistics
According to many studies on why businesses fail, the top reasons are:
Why businesses fail | Percentage |
Inadequate market research | 42% |
Inexperience in the industry | 30% |
Poor location | 29% |
Cash flow problems | 23% |
Overstaffing | 19% |
Ineffective marketing | 29% |
Cash flow problems | 23% |
Poor management | 19% |
Successful Businesses Statistics
To increase your chances of success, choosing an industry you’re passionate about and with good growth prospects is important. It’s also important to have a detailed business plan, business goals, and to surround yourself with a strong team of advisers and mentors.
And even if you do everything right, there’s no guarantee that your business will be successful.
But if you’re prepared to work hard and take risks, the rewards can be great.
Several factors contribute to the success of a business.
However, some statistics show that the following factors are essential for businesses to be successful:
Why businesses succeed | Percentage |
A clear mission and purpose | 76% |
Strong leadership | 74% |
Effective marketing | 69% |
Good financial management | 67% |
A positive work culture | 66% |
Innovative products or services | 65% |
A clear vision for the future | 65% |
Excellent customer service | 64% |
Read more: Stats On Businesses With Highest Success Rate
Statistics on Reasons for Achieving Success
Attribute their good habits to success
- According to a recent study, nearly 72 % of people who consider themselves successful attribute their success to specific habits developed over time.
- This finding is not surprising, as habits are often the key to achieving goals and maintaining long-term motivation. However, what is interesting about the study is the types of habits participants reported as most important to their success. The most commonly cited habit was setting and working towards goals, maintaining a positive outlook, and taking action despite fear or uncertainty. This suggests that success is not simply a matter of luck or talent but rather the result of hard work and determination.
- So if you’re looking to succeed in your own life, remember that developing the right habits is essential.
Read more: Discipline vs Habits: Why you need both to Succeed
Attribute networking to their success
Successful people network with others and build relationships Statistics
- One of the most important predictors of success is networking.
- In a study of over 500 highly successful people, nearly 95% said networking was important to their success.
- This shouldn’t be surprising, as networking provides access to opportunities, information, and resources to help people achieve their goals. Moreover, networking can help people build relationships with others who can provide support and advice. Research has shown that individuals who have a strong network of social relationships are happier, healthier, and more successful.
- So if you want to attain your goals, start networking today. You’ll be glad you did.
Overcoming obstacles for achieving success
- A certain percentage of people always overcome obstacles and succeed in any given year.
- For example, in 2017, 4.7% of people who set a New Year’s resolution successfully achieved it.
- This may not seem like a lot, but when you consider that there are over 7 billion people globally, that 4.7% translates to over 321 million people.
- That’s a significant number of people who overcame the odds and achieved their goals.
- So, what can we learn from these individuals? What separates them from the rest of the population? Studies have shown that most successful people share traits such as grit, determination, and perseverance. In other words, they never give up on their dreams, no matter how difficult things get. They also have a firm support system and surround themselves with positive people. If you want to succeed in anything you do, it’s important to keep these things in mind.
- The road to success is rarely easy, but it’s always worth it.
Statistics on how to achieve success
- While there is no guaranteed path to success, some general trends hold for many people who achieve great things.
- For example, a study of over 500 CEOs found that most started their first business before age 35.
- In addition, many successful people have cited failure as an important stepping stone on their road to success. J.K. Rowling, for example, was rejected by 12 different publishers before finally finding someone willing to take a chance on her now-famous Harry Potter books. The takeaway from these stories is that success often comes to those willing to take risks and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. So if you’re thinking of becoming the next big thing, don’t be afraid to seize every opportunity that comes your way.
Individual Success Statistics
What exactly are individual success metrics and how are they measured? We’re talking about life in general, health, wealth and relationships.
- 85% of people achieve success in their lives
- According to a recent study, 85% of people achieve success.
- The study, conducted by the University of Maryland, surveyed a group of adults aged 18-24 and asked about their current success level.
- While most respondents reported feeling successful, a significant minority said they felt they had not yet achieved success.
- When asked to define success, the most common responses were “being happy,” “having a good job,” and “being financially stable.” The study’s author noted that the findings suggest that most people can achieve at least some level of success in their lives, regardless of their definition of the term.
- However, he cautioned that the survey did not ask respondents about their long-term goals, so some people may feel they have not yet achieved true success.
- Why do 15% of People Succeed While 85% Don’t?
- When it comes to success, it’s often said that only a minority of people achieve it. But why is this?
- A recent study answered this question, and the results may surprise you.
- The study found that the primary reason why 15% of people succeed while 85% don’t is due to how they approach their goals.
- Successful people typically have what’s known as a “growth mindset.”
- They believe their skills and abilities can be developed through effort and practice.
- In contrast, people with a “fixed mindset” believe that their skills and abilities are static and cannot be changed. The study found that people with a growth mindset are more likely to take risks, persevere in the face of setbacks, and embrace challenges. As a result, they are more likely to achieve their goals.
- So if you’re looking to boost your chances of success, it might be time to adopt a growth mindset.
What Are The Key Ingredients to Success?
There is no one answer to the question of what the key ingredients of success are.
- Having the right positive mindset and specific and challenging goals that are in alignment with a person’s strengths and passions is an idea that is supported by most successful individuals.
- However, some classic experts estimate that approximately 80% of success is attributed to hard work and dedication, while the remaining 20% results from luck or timing.
- This 80/20 split is often referred to as the Pareto principle, and it can be applied to a wide range of areas beyond just success.
- For example, it is estimated that 80% of a company’s sales come from 20% of its customers, or 80% of an individual’s clothes are only worn 20% of the time.
- While the Pareto principle is only an estimate in success statistics, it provides a useful framework for how different factors can contribute to success.
How to Stay Motivated On Your Road to Success?
There’s no doubt that achieving success can be tough. But there are plenty of statistics that show just how achievable it is. For example, did you know that…
It’s one thing to have goals and ambitions, but it’s another thing altogether to achieve them.
For many people, the hardest part of success is staying motivated throughout the journey.
- Only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions. That means that 92% of people give up on their goals- so if you’re feeling motivated, you’re already ahead of the majority!
- People who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. So get a notebook and start jotting down your plans for success.
- It takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. So if you can stick with your new routine for two months, it’ll feel like second nature. And once it becomes a habit, achieving your goal will be much easier.
So whatever your goals, remember that staying motivated and focused will help you achieve them- and these statistics prove it!
Read more: Positive mindset statistics
Statistics on Different Paths to Success
There are many paths to success, and no one formula guarantees success.
However, some patterns can be observed in the stories of successful people.
- For example, a study of 3,000 millionaires found that most started their businesses with less than $5,000 in capital.
- In addition, nearly half of all new businesses are started by people over 40.
- Moreover, many successful entrepreneurs have had multiple failures before they find success.
- Studies show that successful entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before achieving success.
- So whatever your path to success may be, remember that you are not alone- and that failure is a part of the process!
This shows that it’s never too late to achieve your dreams and that you don’t need a lot of money to get started. Of course, every story is different, and the rule always has exceptions.
But these success statistics provide a snapshot of the real-world path to success.
Statistics and facts on how to stay motivated during the journey to success
This is a journey that requires both dedication and determination. Staying motivated throughout the entire process can be difficult, but it is possible. Here are some statistics and facts that will help you stay on track:
- It is estimated that only 3% of the population achieves their goals. This means that you are already in the minority simply by taking action towards your goals.
- After just ten days of starting a new goal, the average person gives up. This means you must be willing to push through the initial difficult phase to see results.
- People who write down their goals are 33% more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. This shows the importance of having a clear plan and staying focused on your end goal.
So, if you’re feeling discouraged, remember that you are part of a very small group of people working towards their dreams. Use this as motivation to keep going, even when it feels tough. Please write down your goals and refer to them often to remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. And finally, don’t forget that success is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process and celebrate each milestone along the way.
Statistics on what happens when you don’t achieve success
- According to a recent study, 96% of people who don’t achieve success blame their lack of effort.
- Only 4% of people who don’t achieve success blame their lack of ability. This means that the vast majority of people who don’t achieve success believe that they could have done more if they had just tried a little harder. The study also found that people who don’t achieve success are more likely to attribute their failures to bad luck.
- Only 8% of people who don’t achieve success believe that their failures are due to bad luck. This means that people who don’t achieve success are much more likely to believe that they could have done something to change the outcome.
- The study also found that people who don’t achieve success are more likely to think that successful people are lucky. In contrast, people who achieve success are more likely to think that successful people are hard-working.
- This suggests that people who don’t achieve success may be more likely to give up when encountering difficulties. The study’s findings suggest that people who want to be successful should focus on increasing their effort rather than waiting for luck to strike.
Statistics on New Year’s resolutions
According to a recent New years resolutions statistics they discovered that most people who set resolutions partly achieve their goals.
- The study found that 80 % of participants could stick to their resolutions for at least one week, and nearly half were still on track after six months.
- This is good news for those who make resolutions each year, as it shows that changing our behavior and sticking to our goals is possible.
- The key is to pick a realistic and achievable goal and plan how to achieve it. With a little effort, anyone can make lasting changes in their lives and improve their chances for success.
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It is important to remember that these are only statistics and trends; your business may experience different results.
However, by understanding the current digital marketing landscape and where it is heading, you can make more informed decisions about your marketing strategy.
Are there any other success statistics or trends you would like us to investigate?
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Statistics for this article on success statistics were gathered from the following sources:

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.
Read My Story here.
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