Productivity Statistics

47 Surprising Productivity Statistics To Improve Performance

Understanding productivity statistics helps you understand how businesses and organizations operate.

By analyzing productivity, you can identify areas for improvement within your company.

The insights can assist you in making educated decisions about how you run your business, whether measuring productivity in terms of revenue, labor, or tasks. Take note of the following productivity statistics and facts if you want to improve your performance in 2022-2023.

Several things can impact our productivity levels, from how much sleep we got the night before to whether or not we have a good support system at work.

  • What exactly does this data reveal about our behavior?
  • What is the most important reason for inefficiency?
  • What factors influence productivity at work, either positively or negatively?

Here are 47 statistics about workplace productivity that will surprise you:

Key Productivity Statistics

Key Productivity Statistics

Productivity, what is it? And how do you measure it?
  1. When employees are engaged, they are more productive, which can result in an increase in profits by 21%.
  2. According to a recent poll, 42% of stressed workers feel that stress reduces their productivity.
  3. As a result of the epidemic, 71% of employees want to work in a hybrid way or from home.
  4. Fifteen percent of workers reported being less likely to become drowsy when working from home. 53% of employees may be less productive if the temperature is too low.
  5. According to a recent Gallup poll, only 15% of employees are highly engaged and 85% are neither engaged nor actively disengaged. This equates to a potential $7 trillion yearly loss in productivity in the United States.
  6. According to a recent survey, closed office layouts harm employees’ overall well-being (32%), and productivity by 15%.
  7. Employees who get feedback regularly are three times more likely to be productive than those who do not. Employee or workplace difficulties can reduce productivity.
  8. The following are some of the most common reasons for poor production: Employee morale is down (34%), project delays/failures are up (44%), income is down (18%), and performance targets are missed.
  9. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the average worker in the United States puts in about 34.4 hours per week. This ranks the U.S. as the 19th most productive country out of the 36 member countries.

General Productivity Statistics and Facts

  • Every day, the average employee is only productive for two hours and 53 minutes.
  • When employees have invested in their products or services, they are more productive, which boosts profits by 21%.
  • Recent research shows that 42 percent of stressed-out employees think that their jobs are hurt by their stress.
  • More than two-thirds of firms claim higher productivity among remote workers.
  • One-third (35%) stated they didn’t need to work from an office to be effective.
  • Luxembourg is the world’s most productive country.
  • You will most likely be more productive during the holidays than at other times of the year. A recent survey found that 56 percent of employees are more productive during the holidays.

Workplace Productivity Statistics

Statistics on Workplace Productivity

Productivity in the workplace is calculated by dividing the amount of work done by a person in a specified location, such as an office, a laboratory, or a construction site, over a specific period.

You can use the output per hour to judge how well your system works, or you can figure it out by dividing the hourly production by the number of employees.

Productivity and Communication Statistics

The top 5 communication problems in the workplace are:1. Employees not knowing what is expected of them2. Lack of clarity in communication from management3. Inadequate or no training on company procedures4. Poorly run or no team meetings5. Gossip and office politics getting in the way of work

  1. According to a survey of 400 corporations with over 100K employees in the U.K. and U.S., miscommunication and communication barriers contributed to an estimated $62.4 million loss in productivity per year.
  2. A survey found that 36% of employees spend at least one hour per day trying to fix communication errors.
  3. A staggering 26% of employees have, at some point, seen a colleague get let go because of something that was said or not said.
  4. When it comes to not being able to communicate with your employees effectively, one in four workers has quit his or her job due to difficulties communicating, you should aim for a rate of around 17%.)
  5. It is estimated that for every $1 invested in communication, there is an $11 return in improved productivity. When asked what would make them feel more valued at work, better communication from their boss was the number one response from employees.

Productivity and Technology Statistics

  • Since the first quarter of 1971, the non-farm business sector has had the biggest percentage rate of productivity growth in the second quarter of 2020.
  • In the second quarter of 2020, productivity in the non-farm business sector increased by 10.1 percent, while production decreased by 37.1 percent and labor hours decreased by 42.9 percent.
  • Furthermore, those who were already working long days saw their pay increase by 20% on average. This could have affected output.
  • The third quarter was another step in the right direction, and by 2022, productivity is expected to go up by 4.6%.

Productivity and Employee Engagement Statistics

  • According to recent research, only 21% of UK workers believe they are productive during the day.
  • Only 17% of employees, on the other hand, claimed they were productive throughout an entire eight-hour workweek. Statistics gathered from almost 2,000 UK employees show that, on average, they work less than three hours a day.
  • Every day, the average employee is only productive for two hours and 53 minutes.
  • Employees are often interrupted for an hour each day, with each interruption consuming around 5 minutes of their working time. People at work are often interrupted every 8 minutes, reducing company productivity.
  • This means that during an eight-hour workday, a worker could lose up to four hours of productive time due to distractions.
  • For these reasons, time-tracking software is a popular choice for many businesses because it helps employees avoid wasting time, procrastination, and disturbing others while also increasing performance.
  • Productivity in the United States has increased by 253 percent over the last seven decades.
  • The figure is troubling because wages have only increased by 116% during the same time period.
  • From 1948 to 1979, the wage-productivity ratio increased at the same rate (108 percent against 93 percent), but a 70 percent increase in productivity was followed by just a 12 percent increase in earnings.
  • Multitasking might reduce your productivity by 40%.
  • According to multitasking productivity data, multitasking may reduce rather than increase your productivity. Studies show that switching from one thing to another might tire out the brain and make us less effective.
  • Rather than attempting to do multiple tasks at once, use the 1-3-5 rule in your everyday routine. This method works by starting with the most difficult chores and moving down through the medium levels until finishing the day with the simplest and smallest.

Employee Productivity Statistics

Factors Influencing Employee Productivity Statistics

Employees are the driving force behind productivity. What factors influence employee productivity, and how can the typical employee boost their output at work?

People’s work habits have shifted dramatically in recent years. 2020 will likely change the way people work. Businesses, at least temporarily, have transformed, as has worker productivity.

General Employees Productivity Statistics

  • Working in a team is extremely difficult for 46 percent of people due to different working styles.
  • Cooperation does not always seem to guarantee success. Despite the fact that 81 percent of professionals regularly work in teams, more than half believe that working with others may be difficult due to significant differences in working styles.

Important Factors Contributing to Low Productivity

  • Two-thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with the communication of their companies.
  • According to the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, 45.5 percent of stressed workers believe that stress reduces productivity.
  • Employees suggest a wide range of ways to reduce stress at work, such as higher pay, paid vacation days, more flexible work schedules, and wellness programs.
  • This is critical since, according to a recent study, 50 percent of employees lose up to five hours of productivity due to stress.
  • Stressors are causing more problems for workers than ever before, with more than 70% of employees concerned about them during the workday.
  • According to Statista, 28 percent of employees think about their problems for less than an hour per week.50% will devote one to five hours, 16% will devote five to ten hours, and 6% will devote more than ten hours.
  • Employees’ primary sources of stress are their jobs and money.

Important Factors Contributing to High Productivity Statistics

  • Employees who are completely engaged generate 21% more profit than non-engaged employees.
  • Statistics show that happiness and productivity at work are inextricably related. Employees that are happy and involved generate more income, so it’s no wonder that they are more productive.
  • According to a recent survey, one of the most popular ways to enhance workplace efficiency is through gamification. Gamification has been shown to boost worker productivity by 89%.
  • When activities are turned into games, many employees think they become more competitive and motivated to finish them, which leads to more work getting done at the office.
  • Statistics on productivity and technology continue to show a link between the complexity of technology and how well it helps people do their jobs.

Working from Home Productivity Statistics

Statistics on Working from Home and Productivity

According to the most recent remote working statistics, more businesses are “allowing” remote work. It’s tough not to be curious about how productive someone can be if they can work from the comfort of their own home.

Job opportunities that allow people to work from home are becoming increasingly common. How does working from home affect productivity?

  • More than two-thirds of companies claim greater productivity among their remote workers.
  • According to a recent study, employee productivity has grown by 35% to 40% at Dow Chemical, Best Buy, British Telecom, and other companies. Furthermore, AT&T employees work five fewer hours per week than their in-house counterparts.
  • Working from home boosts productivity, especially if the employee has a dedicated workstation.
  • The vast majority of people (83 percent) believe that working in an office is not necessary for productivity.
  • More people than ever before want to work from home. They don’t think that working from home will hurt their productivity, and recent data on the productivity of telecommuters seems to back this up.
  • Working remotely, on the other hand, has numerous benefits. It allows employees to spend more time with their families and focus more on their health.

Work Life Balance

Work life balance is the term used to describe the balance that an individual needs between work and other aspects of life.Work-life balance is important for several reasons. First, it allows individuals to have a sense of control over their lives. A healthy work-life balance means that an individual can enjoy his or her time both at work and outside of work.

  • The majority of Americans (69%) feel that they do not have a good work-life balance, with 24% feeling they do not have any work-life balance.
  • 44% of employees believe having a good work-life balance is important to them, yet only 24% say their employer helps them achieve it.
  • 80% of employees feel burned out at work, with 54% saying they need a vacation.
  •  86% of employees say that their personal life suffers because of work.
  • 65% of workers say that they have missed important family events because of work.
  • 1 in 4 workers (25%) have considered quitting their job because of bad work-life balance.
  • 56% of employees say that their current job is very or extremely stressful.
  • 36% of workers would trade a 20% pay increase to get a better work-life balance.
  • If a company began tracking employee productivity, one out of every three remote workers would be dissatisfied.
  • They would not, however, leave their jobs for that reason. But more than half of workers (47%) say they are unhappy with their jobs and are thinking about leaving.
  • It’s interesting to note that 75% of individuals who currently work from home because of COVID-19 say they are more productive in this setting.
  • A recent poll found that more than 82% of staff supervisors who work from home are worried about less work getting done.

Even though workplace productivity statistics has shown over and over that remote work makes people more efficient, managers still worry that their remote workers won’t be as productive or as attentive or that they won’t finish their work on time.

Employee loneliness and future job possibilities are less important to them.

Global Data: Country Productivity Rates

Global Data Country Productivity Rates

Leadership data shows that companies all over the world are now figuring out the different things that affect how productive their employees are.

  • As technology has gotten better, we’ve seen more things like in-house mental health programs and flexible hours that are meant to boost productivity.

Productivity Statistics United States

  • The United States has the highest average production productivity of any country in the world.
  • The United States offers efficient work culture and ample opportunities to workers. The average wage in the United States is also high when compared to other countries.
  • There are several reasons for the high productivity levels in the United States. One reason is the education system in the United States. The United States has some of the best schools and universities in the world.

Productivity Statistics Scandinavia

  • The Scandinavian countries are three of Europe’s most prolific.
  • Scandinavian countries include Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. These countries are distinguished by their exceptional work-life balance. Because most Scandinavian countries do not work more than 40 hours per week, they have lots of free time.
  • According to the studies, employee happiness and output are intrinsically connected. Employees return to work refreshed, which leads to increased production.

Productivity Statistics Europe

  • Luxembourg is the world’s most productive country.
  • Luxembourg is the most productive country, with a productivity per person-hour of £51.60 and an average number of hours worked per person of 1,512.
  • The Czech Republic received the lowest productivity score in Europe in 2019.
  • In 2019, the Czech Republic placed last in terms of productivity, with an average output of 39.2 percent. Mexico came in second, with a labor force productivity rate of 41.5 percent. Mexico held this championship for many years before being supplanted by the Czech Republic.
  • Statistics on work-life balance show that they work long hours and don’t have much free time.
  • This is an important fact that shows how work-life balance and productivity are related.

More Information on Employee Productivity

More Information on Employee Productivity

We understand that the figures you’ve already studied have been eye-opening, but some of them may have been a little too depressing. To lighten the atmosphere, here are some hilarious workplace productivity statistics and facts that may brighten your day.

  • Fatigue costs firms $1,967 per employee each year in productivity losses. The significance of sleep should never be underestimated.
  • According to a study of four US companies, exhausted employees were less productive and performed worse than those who had a good night’s sleep, according to a study.
  • Exercise can replace 2.5 hours of labor per week, increasing productivity.
  • A six-business study discovered a correlation between office exercise and productivity numbers. Those who exercised during the workday were 72 percent better at managing their time than those who did not.
  • On the other hand, low-intensity aerobics were found to make people feel like they were more productive than high-intensity workouts.
  • A proper diet can boost job performance by 25%.
  • This was supported by a three-year productivity study in which 20,000 workers were questioned each year.
  • Workers who ate five fruit and vegetable portions at least four days a week were 25% more productive than those who did not.
  • A survey by the health and wellness group Human Workplace found that more than 60% of workers are more productive around the holidays.
  • Social and personal obligations, increased workloads at the end of the year, flu season, and holiday shopping are the main reasons why 35% of workers think they are less productive.
  • On the other hand, employees who are more productive are less likely to be distracted by everyday work tasks to get to or leave work on time.

Employee Productivity Issues

There are a number of factors that can lead to decreases in remote work productivity in the workplace.

The following are some of the most common productivity issues

  • When interrupted from a task, it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back on track.
  • According to a Microsoft study, workers who spend most of their day in front of a computer screen or tablet switch windows 373 times every day, or every 40 seconds.
  • In the United States, the typical person spends 5.4 hours each day on their phone.
  • According to predictions, people spend 153 minutes every day on social media.

Poor Communication Hurts Productivity

Poor Communication Hurts Productivity

A lack of communication can indeed lead to a decrease in productivity. A study by slack showed that poor communication can cost businesses as much as $420 billion per year.

  • An estimated 20% of an employee’s time is spent looking for information.
  • A study by the University of London found that the average person is interrupted every three minutes and five seconds, or about 56 times per day.
  • This means that we spend about 2 hours each day being interrupted, which can lead to a loss of productivity.
  • In fact, it is estimated that we spend about 28% of our time at work dealing with interruptions.
  • A survey of US executives found that poor office communication led to more stress (52%), delays or failures to complete tasks (44%), low company morale (31%), missed performance targets (25%), and lost sales (18%).
  • 86% of business leaders, employees, and educators say that bad communication is a major reason why businesses fail.
  • Employees who have a positive employee experience are 16 times more engaged than those who have a negative one, and they are eight times more likely to want to stay with the same company.
  • According to the 2015 Global Happiness Report, only one-third of employees (33%) feel appreciated.
  • Sixty percent of respondents agree that employers and employees should communicate more effectively.
  • Twenty percent of respondents want “company announcements and messages delivered to the areas where I spend my work day.”


What is a good or acceptable rate of productivity?

There is no definitive answer as to what qualifies as a “good,” “acceptable,” or even “maximum” productivity rate. However, many experts recommend implementing a so-called “70% rule” to boost one’s overall productivity. According to this rule of thumb, workers who consistently perform at full capacity run the risk of burning out over time. The 70% rule, according to which you should work productively yet less intensively most of the time, provides a little mental reserve for the employee to deal with any short-term pressing needs that may come up.

How much of your workday is productive?

According to recent workplace productivity statistics the average employee works for 2 hours and 53 minutes each day, which is roughly 36% of their working day.

In contrast, freelancers are productive for approximately 87.5% of the working day.

How many workers believe that stress hurts their productivity?

Stress affects productivity for 41% of workers according to workplace productivity statistics. Furthermore, stress reduces job engagement among 33% of employees.


It is evident that stress can have a significant impact on an individual’s productivity levels. In order to maintain a high level of productivity, it is important to find ways to manage and reduce stress.

Some effective methods for managing stress include exercise, relaxation techniques, and time management.

Stress is a common issue that can negatively affect an individual’s productivity.

In order to maintain a high level of productivity, it is important to find ways to manage and reduce stress according to recent workplace productivity statistics.

Some effective methods for managing stress include exercise, relaxation techniques, and time management.

Finally, we’d like to point out another trend that has a big impact on staff productivity. It illustrates how forward-thinking CEOs see their companies and their roles in the greater community. According to Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends, CEOs ranked “impact on society, including economic inequality, diversity, and the environment,” as the most important measure of success.

So, we think that PwC’s Workforce of the Future study, which found that 25% of respondents want an employer who shares their values, backs up this important conclusion.

That is why the best companies recognize that investing in a great employee experience boosts staff productivity according to recent workplace productivity statistics.

With all of the benefits of workplace productivity, it’s no surprise that firms are always looking for ways to improve productivity and implement helpful productivity measures.

Maintaining production levels at a specific level is difficult for any firm, especially considering the numerous variables that might influence it. Even though productivity is an issue, the return is well worth the effort for anyone willing to try.

Recommended reading:

Life Coaching Statistics


Statistics for this article on productivity statistics were collected from the following sources:
petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.

Read My Story here.

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