Morning affirmations are a great way to start your day on the right note.
In this post, we will be sharing some of our best morning affirmations that can help you:
- Build stronger self belief
- Maintain a positive mindset throughout the day
- Let go of worries about the future
- Anxieties about things not going as planned
- Old memories that don’t serve you anymore
Using morning affirmations can have an impact on setting a positive tone for your day. It may even improve your overall well being. Affirmations have the power to shift your perspective about “things” in your life. Especially when dealing with worrying thoughts.
These universal principles can be applied to thinking more positively and intentional about every aspect of your life.
Let’s get started!
What Are Morning Affirmations?
Morning affirmations are mantras, quotes, or phrases that you say, read, or think to put yourself in a positive emotional state. The noun ‘affirmation’ means encouragement or emotional support.
- Morning affirmations have an optimistic tone, such as “I feel happy to be alive today.”
- However, there are also affirmations that have a tone like “I am present, in this moment.”
Affirmations have the power to alter our brain’s perception of things regardless of whether they carry a negative connotation.
Maybe we want to feel less anxious, more self-assured, or more driven?
Try morning affirmations!
Morning Affirmations: Are They Good for Us?
When we repeatedly affirm something our brains are wired to respond to our commands.
Consequently, by repeating affirmations our minds may naturally start contemplating these ideas.
Extensive studies on “healthier ways of thinking can have a positive impact on the brain and body” according to numerous sources. Numerous research findings indicate that positive attitudes, constructive thinking and diverse perspectives – are closely associated with well being and the attainment of one’s desires.
- We also know that when we positively expect something to occur, there is a bigger probability of it happening.
- Even concepts that may not align with our preferences, can still influence our experiences as well as those of others.
- Some research suggests that using affirmations could potentially help individuals maintain their self confidence above their normal levels.
We can use affirmations to reduce negative emotions. We can boost our self confidence in situations where our bosses, partners, friends or even strangers criticize us or provide “constructive” feedback.
Research on neuroplasticity has shown that even as adults we have the ability to reshape our thinking patterns in ways. When we combine this knowledge with the evidence suggesting that altering our thoughts and training our brains can have an impact on our health and well being it becomes clear that there are significant benefits to be gained from embracing this practice.
Four Ways To Practice Your Morning Affirmations
Just select a morning affirmation phrase that captures the thoughts or emotions you desire to have.
Then repeat it in your mind.
Here are four ways to practice affirmations:
1. Speak your morning affirmations out loud
It’s important to not only think, but also to engage multiple senses while experiencing your affirmations. Try saying your affirmation out loud to make it a more immersive experience. Let the words resonate from your mouth to your ears.
Speaking positive affirmations out aloud can create an impact as the words travel through your voice.
2. Use present tense statements
When crafting affirmations using the tense it is advisable to keep them concise and pertinent. For instance, opt for saying ‘I am a good person’ instead of ‘I will become a good person.’
This approach assists in redirecting your attention towards altering beliefs in the moment rather than solely pursuing a specific objective.
3. Avoid focusing on the negative
The goal is to divert your attention away from negative thoughts and refocus it on more positive ways of thinking, so keep in mind that you should not build your positive affirmations in a way that reminds you of the bad. You may say, “I am deserving of good relationships,” rather than “I will no longer engage in negative connections.”
The objective is to shift your focus from thoughts and redirect it towards positive thought patterns. Therefore it’s important to construct your affirmations in a manner that doesn’t bring up associations. You may say, “I am deserving of good relationships,” rather than “I will no longer engage in negative relationships.”
4. Choose meaningful personal affirmations
Choose affirmations that hold personal importance to you. If you find yourself repeating affirmations that do not resonate with you, they may not be as effective. Your commitment to changing your mindset in that direction might waver.
Keep in mind that the objective is to alter your thinking patterns and ultimately influence your actions. Therefore maintain patience and consistency, with your chosen affirmations and over time you will witness the desired outcomes!
Morning Affirmation Examples
Different people may have varying responses to the morning affirmations. Our individual reactions are likely to be influenced by our immediate attitudes. For example, if I’m having trouble with self-esteem or confidence, I believe that “self-love affirmations” can help me get the most out of life.
Alternatively, if I’m overwhelmed at work or my job, I’ll likely benefit the most from daily affirmation suggestions for success.
Everyone is different, so keep in mind that there is no “correct” affirmation. If you want to say, “I am a brilliant being,” it’s OK.
Another individual may decide, “I am deserving,” or “I am in command of my life.”
Consider the following five types of affirmations to determine which are best for you.
Positive Morning Affirmations
Starting your day with affirmations can greatly contribute to aligning yourself with achieving your goals.
For instance if you aim to enhance your day to day productivity you could repeat the phrase “I am capable of being efficient and productive, in all my endeavors.”
- I deserve to be happy and successful.
- I am valuable and deserving of love and happiness.
- I am worthy of love and respect.
- I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
- I always try to see the bright side of things.
- I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
- I’m thankful for the possibilities that have been presented to me.
- I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any obstacle.
- I’m a kind person who encourages people to be excellent.
- My life contains an abundance of options.
- I give myself the go-ahead to be who I am.
- I allow myself to relax and enjoy myself.
- I have the power to make a difference.
- I absolve those who have mistreated me.
- I can recover from difficulties.
Morning Affirmations for Success
If you desire to achieve success in life, it is crucial to engage in positive self-talk.
A helpful approach towards this is by practicing affirmations, for success.
- I am in charge of my life and what happens in it.
- I am allowed to take my path in life.
- I focus on the things that are important to me.
- I can create the life I want.
- I am capable of deciding what I want in life.
- I am confident in my ability to make good decisions.
- I am optimistic about my future.
- I am capable of achieving success.
- I allow myself to do what is right for me.
- I allow myself time and space to grow and learn.
- Making mistakes is a part of learning and becoming successful.
- I take small steps every day to achieve big goals.
- I have the freedom to set my purposes.
- I have the potential to succeed.
- I am open to future opportunities.
- I’m in charge of my life.
Morning Affirmations for Self-Love
Love holds power within the expanse of the universe. Embracing self love enables us to give and receive love. Remember to engage in self love affirmations as they possess strength.
- I am brave.
- I stand up for myself.
- I approve of myself.
- I love myself fully.
- I’m permitted to have needs and take up space.
- I excel at whatever I choose to focus on.
- I have amazing value on this planet.
- I am at peace with who I am.
- I deserve to be peaceful and joyful in my life.
- I take care of myself and others.
- I am worthy of much love.
- I love so many things about myself.
- I feel proud of myself when I contribute to a better world.
- I have many positive qualities including being a mother.
- I surround myself with positive, optimistic people.
- I am enough, the way I am.
- My needs and wants are equally important.
- I’m worthy of love, respect and kindness.
- I celebrate my great personal qualities.
- I am good enough.
Related: 84 Love Affirmations to Attract Romance
Morning Affirmations for Anxiety
If you’re feeling anxious, keep repeating these positive statements to yourself in the morning, before you start your day:
- I am safe.
- I am healthy.
- I am strong.
- I can handle this.
- I am not alone.
- I am loved.
- Everything is going to be okay.
Related: 83 Daily Anxiety Affirmations for Fear, Worry, and Panic Attacks
83 Affirmations for Anxiety
Morning Affirmations for Men
Below you’ll find a collection of affirmations specifically tailored for men. Take a moment to select the ones that deeply resonate with you and make it a habit to repeat them to yourself each morning.
- I am a man of integrity.
- I am honest and trustworthy.
- I am reliable and dependable.
- I have the courage to stand up for what I believe in.
- I accept the duties of a man.
- I respect myself and so does everyone else.
- I feel confident in myself.
- I’m important to a lot of people.
- I like who I am in this life.
- I am allowed to express my emotions.
- I am a powerful human being
- I am a kind person.
- I use failures to make me stronger.
- Happiness is my choice, and I choose to be happy.
Morning Affirmations for Women
Morning affirmations for women tend to be geared towards empowerment and self-love. Here are some examples:
- I am a woman of strength.
- I am beautiful, inside and out.
- I love myself, flaws and all.
- I am deserving of happiness and love.
- I am worthy of respect.
- I can’t be anything other than myself.
- My opinion matters.
- I’m beautiful and intelligent.
- I accept my body just the way it is.
- I am happy to be living in a female body.
- I deserve to feel good, safe and comfortable in my body.
- I accept myself the way I am.
- I get the experience of being a woman.
Daily Affirmations for Kids
For kids it’s good to start the day off with a few positive affirmations to help set the tone for the day. Here are a few examples:
- I am loved.
- I am capable.
- I am safe.
- I am important.
- I can do anything I put my mind to.
- I make good decisions.
- I attract good things into my
- There is no one more competent than me.
- Every day, I improve.
- I am complete just the way I am.
- I will stand again if I fall.
- It’s OK not to be an expert.
Some More Powerful Daily Affirmations
A few more affirmations to help you get through the day:
- I wake up feeling refreshed and well rested.
- I have all the energy I need to get through the day.
- My mind is clear, focused, and ready to work.
- I am so excited to start my day, and achieve my goals.
- Everything I do today is important and has value.
- I am allowed to be loud.
- My thoughts and feelings matter.
- I like me. I love me.
- I am not perfect, and that’s OK.
- Good things are coming my way.
- I am doing my best today, and that’s good enough.
- I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today.
Morning affirmations don’t only have to be manifesting your dreams. They can be used to set the tone for your day.
Affirmations that revolve around success are something you repeat regularly to program your mind for achieving success.
By reminding yourself that you have the capability and deserve to succeed you gradually start believing it. Then you take the actions to turn it into reality.
Affirmations can actually help boost self esteem in many ways.
Even if you already see yourself as an accomplished individual, simply reciting an affirmation like ‘I’m proud of myself’ can bring benefits.
In the end personal development is a journey of self discovery and self improvement.
Not all affirmations yield results.
To overcome this, keep reaffirming your morning affirmations.
Good luck with your manifestations!
What are some good morning affirmations?
Some good morning affirmations that you can say to yourself are:
“I am confident and capable.”
“I am worthy of love and respect.”
“I am grateful for all the wonderful things in my life.”
“Today is going to be a great day!”
“I am surrounded by people I like and love”
Do morning affirmations work?
Certainly, morning affirmations can be effective if you genuinely believe they will work for you. When you consistently recite affirmations to yourself each morning, your subconscious mind gradually begins to embrace them as well. This can bring about a shift in your mindset and attitude allowing you to approach each day with a sense of positivity and optimism. Ultimately this shift has the potential to yield outcomes across aspects of your life.

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
Read My Story here.
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