like attracts like

Like Attracts Like; Become A Match For What You Want

Have you ever had a moment where you thought some people have it so easy when it comes to money, love or success, while others are pulling their hair out to get ahead with no luck at all? That’s not just luck. It’s energy.

The Law of Attraction tells us that like reproduces like. This means your beliefs, emotions, and focus are attracting experiences for you in your reality. When the energy of what’s going on inside of you, your internal world (your thoughts, feelings, and energy) is in resonance with what you desire, then things seem to move easily. When they aren’t, then you are running into resistance.

This guide will help you learn how to change the way you think, work with your feelings, and increase your energy to where you can resonate with the life you want to create.

What Does “Like Attracts Like” Really Mean?

 The idea of “like attracts like” is an age-old concept that is often discussed in various contexts, including physics, chemistry, and even pop culture. However, the concept is most notably found in various metaphysical and new-age practices, where it carries a deeper and more profound meaning.


This is the basic idea of the phrase “like attracts like”: It means that people, circumstances and events are attracted to you based on your current state of energy. Spiritually: You attract more of the same when you radiate gratitude, love, joy, or abundance.


At its core, the phrase “like attracts like” is the idea that people, situations, and experiences are coming into your life because of what your current energetic state is. Scientifically: The brain has a Reticular Activating System (RAS) that works to block out information that isn’t relevant to what you are focusing on. You will see opportunity if you believe in it. If you expect disappointment, your brain will find reasons to confirm it. Here is where self-fulfilling prophecy and confirmation bias come into the picture. Behavior is influenced by beliefs and, in turn, creates reality.

The Definition Of “Like Attracts Like”

The like attracts like law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their lives.

The law of attraction is not a new concept; it has always existed because it’s a universal law.

The idea behind it is simple: you attract what you focus on by becoming the thing that is the end result of what you want to have or be.

Examples of being:

  1. I’m wealthy
  2. I’m happy
  3. I feel good when

The saying originally meant that people similar to each other are drawn to each other.

It can happen in a romantic relationship or when trying to manifest your twin flame. Like attracts like in chemistry is when two introverts are attracted to each other, in a group of friends when they all tend to have the same values, or at work when people with similar views on business, politics, or other issues come together.

The definition has a second meaning that came about because people misquoted or misunderstood spiritual teachings. It can be used as a law of attraction or manifestation strategy.

As the adage goes, “If you think about something long enough, it will become manifest.”

So, you align your energy with something you want to manifest.

Three Steps To Being A Vibrational Match For Your Desired Outcome

Step 1: Align Your Beliefs With What You Want

woman thinking and beliefs vibrational match

First, you need to believe that it is possible to get what you want and that you have a right to it.


You desire financial prosperity, but in your heart, you think that ‘rich people are thieves.’

This means that you desire money but at the same time you do not want to become one of those people you look down upon. Your subconscious mind will not let you fully embrace money because it is trying to protect your self-identity.


Change the belief: “Money is power and I believe that only kind people should have it and use it for good purposes.”

Take actions that are in sync with the new belief system (Donate, help people, invest in personal development).
What you think, you believe, and what you believe, you dream. What you dream, you feel. What you feel, you do. And what you do, you become.

That is the origin of the expression.

Every word, though, and feeling that is released into the world has an effect on it, according to the principles of how people think, feel and act.

In order to achieve your goal, you first have to ensure that your beliefs are in sync with what you want to achieve. Due to the fact that people will somehow resist achieving the inner goal if they have not achieved it surgically, even if they try to do everything to the best of their ability. To become rich, you have to have the right money mindset. It starts with the belief that you can and should achieve your financial freedom and that you act accordingly by making decisions that will support your financial freedom goals in real life! If you think that all the wealthy people are frauds, this is an example of belief that goes against what you wish to achieve. No matter how much you wish to be rich, you don’t want to turn into a cheat.

Therefore, you will not be seeking for money at all. The subconscious mind has one goal, and that is to protect you. This means that your belief is contrary to your belief.

This conclusion effectively puts an end to the desire’s purpose. In the same way, if you have the belief that money is a limited source, you will be limiting your financial wealth in a way that you don’t want to. Although you wish to be wealthy, you are a good person and you don’t want to take advantage of others. You can’t progress if you have an internal conflict. Instead, you are also telling the universe that you are confused.

So, how do you balance your beliefs with your desires? First of all, you need to understand everything there is to know about your thoughts and then eliminate the ones that go against your strategy.

Why this matters:

Cognitive research shows that self-fulfilling prophecies influence behavior and results (Psychology Today).

Step 2: Match Your Vibration to Your Desired Outcome

align your Vibrations with your Desired Outcome

So, how can you align your vibrations with what you desire?

As long as your thoughts and actions connect with what you want, you are a vibrational match for it.

The simplest method is to concentrate on being more like the person or thing we would most like to have in our lives.

First, you must be a vibrational match for anything you want to experience in life. Nothing will happen on earth unless an even greater force than oneself means it unless your beliefs and desires are aligned with the universal energy field known as vibration or frequency (which everything canalizes).

Because your frequency and everything you experience must be in tune, this is crucial.

Because everything is made up of vibrating energy, it has a certain frequency. For example, your kitchen table is made up of energy. Water is made up of energy as well.

You are a collection of energy.

In one way or another, everything is made out of energy.

Even your sentiments, ideas, and emotions are made up of energy!

Because you are a dynamic creature, your mood is the first indicator of your vibration at any particular time.

Establishing a link between two creatures also necessitates harmonic compatibility. You could conceive of it as an energy transfer, but more on that later. Like you, the things you seek have their own vibrations.

For the person you want to connect with to enter your life, you must match your frequency to theirs. You and your objectives have the same vibe. Which, like a magnet, will attract them (or you).

The law of attraction works in this manner.

Like attracts like and brings same or similar things together.

People and things are drawn to you by your vibratory energy. In other words, the things that come into your life are influenced by your vibration.

It’s best to vibrate with purpose because you can only attract things that resonate with your energy!

That is to say; you should do everything you can to feel happy (vibrate higher) as often as feasible.

Your vibration can be measured by how you feel. Your emotions are a direct reflection of your vibrational frequency.

When your vibration is high, you will feel emotions like love, joy, peace, happiness, forgiveness, and gratitude.

Negative feelings like despair, hatred, jealousy, rage, and hopelessness are common while you’re in a low vibrational state.

Once you understand this, you can utilize your emotions as a compass. Your dreams are the north star that points you in the right direction!

It’s how you’ll know if you’re moving closer to your goals. The closer you are to your goals, the more positive thoughts and emotions you have, and vice versa, the more negative thoughts you entertain, the further away you’re from living the life you want.

A person’s desire for something is usually based on how they anticipate it will make them feel. That’s why it’s so important to figure out why you want your desire to come true.

What will you think after you get it?

For a moment, consider what emotions you wish to satiate with your needs for a moment.

How will you feel when your dream comes true?

  • Abundant?
  • Loved?
  • Secure?
  • Successful?
  • Happy?

Once you know what feelings you want to bring out, you’ll be able to tell if your vibrations are the same as those feelings.

The secret to creating anything in life is to tune into its vibrational frequency by practicing the desired feeling.

The first step is to practice and feel the emotion. The next step is the manifestation you want.

If you wish to adopt a child, for example, your goal might be to give him or her a caring home. You want to adopt this child because it will make you feel brave, unconditionally loved, and content.

To become a vibrational match for that kid, all you have to do now is start practicing those emotions right away!

Look for areas in your life where you already feel like a hero, where you already practice selfless love, and where you already experience joy.

When you open the door for someone, you may feel like a hero. As a result, I started doing it more frequently. Perhaps you show your spouse your love in an unconditional way. Increase the frequency with which you express that emotion. Perhaps tennis is one of your favorite pastimes, and you enjoy participating in it. Play as much as you can.

Continue doing whatever makes you happy!

This is how you raise your frequency.

Even if you’re not focused on the exact item you want, focusing on anything that makes you happy will bring you closer to it.

For example, after establishing some level of vibrational match with your subconscious mind, you can generally anticipate being able to effortlessly attract whatever it is you wish—for example, a new career or whatever else you desire.

Using your imagination is another way to achieve energetic alignment with your aims.

Every night before you go to bed, make a mental note of how manifesting your dreams will feel when they are already true.

Fortunately, the brain has a hard time telling the difference between real and virtual reality.

As a result, when you picture what you want with strong enthusiasm, you will experience yourself dynamically. And eventually, your perceived reality will mirror your actual reality.

Step 3: Receive & Allow — The Art of Surrender

Accept it Now like attracts like

After you’ve cleansed away your old beliefs and begun vibrating at the frequency of your desires, all you have to do now is accept them.

Although it may appear simple, many people struggle to be in this receptive condition.

The creative process comes to a close with the receptive phase.

When you’re in that optimal state of happiness, you’ll be getting inspired ideas and impulses to help you achieve your goals.

On the other hand, the receptive mode is more of a sensation than an explanation. I’m sure you’ve had occasions where you just felt something rather than explaining it. After a nice run, you get that ecstatic feeling.

You know that everything is working out for you.

When you’re so close to achieving the objectives that you can nearly taste them.

  • It’s as though the fog in your life has lifted.
  • It’s airy and cheerful.
  • It appears that you are at the cutting edge of technology.
  • It gives me a sense of strength.
  • It appears that this fantastic accomplishment might be achieved in just 24 hours!

Be as receptive as possible by being as happy and rested as possible, feeling as good as possible, and having as much fun as possible.

Your happiness is what puts you in a receptive state.

Everything is ready for you now; all you need to do is be in the right frame of mind to receive it. Although it may not fall into your lap, ideas, desires, and hunches will come to you gradually over time.

Allowance is an acquired ability.

Being in a receptive state is the skill of allowing.

You must allow the cosmos to work its magic in order to practice the art of allowing.

It’s magical because it matches you with products, places, people, circumstances, and events that have vibrations that are similar to yours.

Allow things to happen naturally rather than forcing them.

That’s it!

That wraps up our look at the three most critical stages of making your wishes come true so quickly you’ll think it’s magic.

It’s not magic, though; it’s simply the manifestation of something you’ve been doing your entire existence on this planet but were never taught until now.

The only difference is that you know what you’re doing right now, and it’s intentional.

That is the essence of deliberate creation.

That’s why it works.

This is why you were created: to see your own power in action.


What are 5 Ways of Becoming A Match For What You Want?

  1. Be clear about what you want.
  2. Get rid of anything that’s standing in your way.
  3. Raise your standards.
  4. Take massive action.
  5. Believe that you can have it.


Being in a harmonious state of alignment has a way of attracting the right people or things into your life!

It all boils down to your thoughts, beliefs and connection with the desired outcome.

Your thoughts hold power.

If you constantly focus on ways to generate income your mind will naturally uncover opportunities to make it happen.

Harnessing the potential of your thoughts to attract what you desire is knowledge.

However, if your mind is chaotic and unfocused, what you create might not align with your preferences.

Your mind will actively seek out whatever occupies your thoughts the most.

That’s what like attracts like refers to.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards money will allow your mind to identify income opportunities simply by being mindful of them.

On the other hand, dwelling on lack or complaining about scarcity can inadvertently manifest those very circumstances you complain about.



Why does like attract like in chemistry?

In chemistry, the reason behind this phenomenon is that opposite charges are attracted to one another, while similar charges tend to repel each other. For instance, two positive charges repel each other because they carry the charge whereas a positive charge and a negative charge are drawn towards each other due to their contrasting nature.

What are the 3 laws of attraction?

The three laws of attraction are: 1) like attracts like, 2) opposites attract, and 3) the law of association. The initial law suggests that objects or individuals, with similarities tend to be drawn towards each other. On the other hand the second law states that forces of nature have a tendency to attract one another. The third law explains that when two objects or individuals are connected in some way they also have an inclination to be attracted to each other. These laws play a role in comprehending the behaviour of magnets, electricity and various other physical phenomena. To sum up, understanding the three laws of attraction is crucial, in grasping how objects interact within our universe.

Do likes attract or opposites attract?

The answer to this question really depends on the situation in which it’s being asked.

Generally speaking, people tend to be drawn towards those who’re similar to them, while also being attracted to those who are different. The explanation can be found in the concept of attraction, which states that charges of the polarity repel each other while opposite charges attract.

What is the secret of like attracts like?

The key aspect of “like attracts like” lies in the power of thinking. When you maintain a mindset you naturally attract energy into your life. Your thoughts have the ability to shape your reality. As a result you may start experiencing happiness and uplifting moments. On the other hand, if you dwell on thoughts it’s possible that you’ll end up attracting negative experiences or encountering negative individuals in your life.

What is the “like attracts like hypothesis”?

The hypothesis of like attracts like suggests that objects and individuals, with similar characteristics or “vibrations” are more likely to be drawn towards each other. Compared to those with different characteristics or interests. The theory is based on the notion that things sharing properties, such as being part of the group or category, tend to gravitate towards one another due to their similarities.

petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.

Read My Story here.

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