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How to Have a More Positive Mindset – 4 Tested Ways
There’s a saying that goes “Anything worth having doesn’t come easy.”
That’s because the obstacles we face are what add intrigue to life.
Growth comes from embracing change. It’s important to shift your focus from the negatives in life.
It is crucial to find a balance and approach situations, and learn how to have a more positive mindset.
To view situations for what they truly are, seeing them not as obstacles that defeat us but as opportunities that enable our personal growth.
Here are the reasons why we think it’s crucial to learn how to have a more positive mindset in order to make the most out of life.
Self improvement programs that emphasize positivity are designed for purposes like the Manifestation Miracle, which we will delve into further down the line.
The Benefits of Positive Thinking
There’s scientific evidence that can prove the benefits gained from positive thinking.
It’s not as “woo-woo” as some of you might think.
A recent research paper, in the American Journal of Epidemiology found a connection between having a positive outlook on life and living longer.
It seems that individuals, with a sense of optimism tend to experience health problems such as heart disease, cancer and respiratory issues.
Positive thinking exercises that work and have been proven beneficial. We can expect to see more research confirming its advantages in the future.
The real question is, how can one cultivate an outlook especially when inclined towards pessimism?
What Is Positive Thinking?
The initial step involves grasping the concept of a mindset and distinguishing it from what it’s not.
Positive thinking is not about shielding oneself from thoughts by avoiding or denying them as many people mistakenly think.
Instead mindfulness involves managing your thoughts. It’s about tackling life’s hurdles with an outlook, rather than succumbing to the negative automatic thoughts that often trigger pessimism, anxiety and panic.
Examining Your Thoughts
Moving forward the second step. Having a positive mindset or outlook on life involves identifying and shaping your thoughts.
Think of your thoughts as a form of self-talk.
- How do you talk to yourself? Is it filled with positivity or negativity?
- Are you looking for solutions or problems?
- Do you tend to dwell on the worst case scenarios that could arise if your problem escalates?
3 Different Types of Negative Thinking
Here are just some of the common types of negative thinking or thought patterns:
1. Zooming In
This is a form of negative thinking where one finds it easy to overlook the positive aspects of an event in favor of the negative ones.
After returning from a family trip you encountered ‘bad service’ at one of the places you had visited.
People who have a tendency to filter things out often overlook the positive aspects of a journey.
They simply fixate on just the negative experience of the trip.
They complain about it instead of being grateful that they could go on such an amazing trip.
What they don’t realize is that grumping may be an accepted behaviour, the act or energy of being ungrateful can cause a person to repel more good experiences, and may even attract more bad experiences to complain about.
2. Spotlighting
Focusing solely on the events occurring in your surroundings can lead to a mindset.
In a vein building upon the example individuals, with such a mindset are inclined to first entertain the notion that they may have received poor service because they warranted it rather than any other reason.
They might believe that they didn’t deserve respect simply because that’s who they are.
3. Catastrophizing
One of the types of negative thinking is catastrophizing.
It involves considering all the outcomes that could arise from a situation.
For example, like in the scenario we discussed earlier, individuals holding this perspective may fear that their upcoming travels will be spoiled.
Enjoying a trip without encountering any problems seems to be out of the question for them which can unfortunately have an impact on their well being.
Related: 9 Life Positive mindset statistics
How to Have a More Positive Mindset
Keep these negative thoughts at bay through the following steps:
1. Determine the Root Cause
To better understand the type of thoughts that affect you the most it’s preferable to uncover the causes of your concerns.
Do you find yourself focusing more on a part of your life in a light? What makes that particular aspect stand out to you?
Is there an underlying or unresolved issue that merits change?
Perhaps your pessimistic thoughts might just be a nudge, from, within reminding you to pay attention to what your soul craves.
For example, based on the instances the primary reason you harbor feelings about your journey could be unrelated to it entirely.
Chances are, you’re facing a problem that you tend to avoid such as a lingering sense of insecurity or another issue.
This step is essential to positive thinking because of two reasons.
Understanding the origins can provide insight into the reasons behind your thought processes leading to a sense of freedom.
Addressing these concerns will definitely lighten your load. Free you from any lingering vibes.
2. Be Vigilant
Try to catch your thought processes throughout the day.
You could even jot it down if you’d like to figure out if there are times of the day when you’re more prone to doing that.
Discovering that you often experience heightened anxiety before going to sleep can assist you in being more aware and alert, during those moments.
If you ever feel yourself going downhill try to focus on something connected to the problem.
Search for a silver lining, a takeaway or any positive aspect to frame those thoughts in a perspective.
3. Stay Healthy
People who lead a healthy life are less vulnerable to stress, mood swings, and other mental strain.
As stated in a research article, from The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry there is evidence supporting the effects of physical activity, in treating depression.
Besides it’s just simpler to have a mindset when you’re not unwell lacking energy or experiencing any discomfort.
This particular task doesn’t demand effort or the need for a gym subscription.
You have plenty of options for staying active at home using equipment and space.
4. Choose Your Tribe Wisely
Consider thinking as a routine you’re committed to adopting because it truly is.
Hence, you will need all the help you can get.
Surround yourself with individuals who are either naturally positive or working to overcome their outlook just as you are.
You can also make them aware of your struggles since they can help you catch yourself whenever you’re letting your thoughts run astray.
Being in the company of individuals can really hamper your progress as it has the potential to amplify the negativity between each other.
5. Practice
Simply recognizing and comprehending your thought patterns won’t lead you to progress
Engage in thinking proactively just like you would cultivate any skill or routine.
Keep at it until you notice yourself naturally leaning towards positivity or negativity.
You’ll find that it’s pretty similar to muscle memory training.
Here are a few useful tips on how to embrace positivity that we’ll be sharing with you shortly. Just continue reading to find out more.
6. Seek Professional Help
Finally, don’t be afraid to seek professional help, especially if you find your negative thoughts persistent and strong enough to disrupt your quality of life.
4 Ways to Actively Practice Positivity
Here are three actionable steps that you can do to practice positivity:
1. Practice Gratitude
Never underestimate the impact of gratitude. It has the potential to change your outlook from focusing on flaws to appreciating the positives, in any situation.
It’s not complicated as well; in fact, you can start right now.
Take a moment to glance around you. Are there any things that you feel grateful for at this moment?
Gratitude can range from enjoying a morning coffee to cherishing the gift of life itself.
You have the option to vocalize these points or better jot them down on paper.
2. Write It Down
Journaling is a good practice to try if you’re trying to shift your mindset from a negative to a positive one.
Start a gratitude journal based on the tip mentioned earlier where you jot down all the things you appreciate in your life.
In this way, you will be able to review them as needed.
Another method to make use of journaling is, by using it as a tool to jot down your thoughts, on paper.
It has the potential to relieve your mind and create room for ideas.
3. Actively Seek Out Joy
It can be quite challenging to maintain a mindset especially when faced with circumstances.
The practice is easier said than done, right?
If you struggle to find a silver lining, within yourself there’s nothing, in looking for it elsewhere.
Enjoy watching comedy series tuning in to music and exploring hobbies that can help shift your focus away from negative thoughts.
There are methods to achieve this goal. Stay dedicated, in your endeavors. We believe you will eventually reap the benefits.
4. Manifestation Miracle
Although we’ve provided you with an outline to follow we understand that the instructions and information we’ve given may not be entirely comprehensive.
It’s just not feasible for us to cover all aspects of embracing an outlook in one article.
That’s why we strongly suggest taking a look at the Manifestation Miracle.
A software application utilizes the concepts of optimism and the Law of Attraction to bring about one’s aspirations in life.
You can access the information through either a printed guidebook or an audiobook making it convenient for you to continue learning when you’re busy.
It’s tough to stay positive isn’t it?
Thankfully there are ways how to have a more positive mindset.
The first step towards how to have a more positive mindset – is a better understanding of your thought processes.
You should identify the type of thoughts that affect you, what causes them and how you can address them.
Being more conscious of your thoughts and actively changing your point of view can make a difference as well as utilizing techniques such as writing in a journal and using positive affirmations.
Maintaining a lifestyle is beneficial. Incorporating organized personal growth initiatives such as Manifestation Miracle can also be helpful.
Finally if you find that your negative thoughts are starting to impact your quality of life on a basis it’s important to reach out for support without any hesitation.

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.
Read My Story here.
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