Epictetus once mentioned that what truly disturbs individuals is not solely the events themselves but their interpretations of those events.
That happened a time ago in the days of the first century and it’s also recognized as one of the earliest documented instances of optimistic thinking.
Effects of positive thinking on life continues to be embraced centuries later thanks, to its well documented benefits and impact on individuals today.
Actually we want to introduce you to this program called “Manifestation Miracle.”
It provides guidelines for experiencing the advantages of a positive outlook on life.
The Science of Positive Thinking
We can see why some of you may have reservations about embracing this positive mindset.
In the end our existence demands a level of alertness and readiness to thrive. It’s not as mystical as one may assume.
Numerous scientific studies have already demonstrated the benefits of maintaining a positive outlook on life.
Recent Supporting Studies
According to a research article, in the journal Behavior Research and Therapy it was discovered that having a mindset can greatly decrease worrying in individuals diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
They have divided their control group into two subgroups.
The initial individual focused on optimism by substituting their concerns, with encouraging images or verbal affirmations linked to their worries.
The second set of participants were tasked with exercising thinking by substituting their concerns, with unrelated optimistic visuals or words.
The findings were unexpected. The researchers have determined that simply pondering thoughts to the situation can effectively combat anxiety and assist in managing Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
In an article, by the American Psychological Association, in the Psychological Bulletin an intriguing discovery was made.
We already know that success can lead to happiness, but did you know that it can actually be the other way around?
It seems that according to the paper happiness plays a role in attaining success.
The findings, in a research article featured in the publication Consciousness and Cognition suggest that engaging in self deception via thinking can result in a concept known as “The Winner Effect.”
Such an effect can lead to actual success and self-enhancement.
Effects of Positive Thinking On Life
There are definitely research papers available (so many of them!) that delve deeper into the impact of mindset, on individuals lives.
We invite you to explore the similar rabbit hole that we fell into to learn about positive thinking exercises that work.
In the meantime, here are the key findings we have determined based on our research and personal experiences.
How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life
Some of the most common benefits of positive thinking are:
Improved Health
People with a hopeful outlook are more resilient to stress, which then reduces their susceptibility to mental health issues often linked to it.
That includes:
- heart problems
- obesity
- diabetes
- anxiety disorders
- depression
Better Performance
You will also find yourself shifting to a solution-based mentality because positive thinking will keep you from losing hope.
It will also teach you the importance of resilience and persistence which can enhance your efficiency and success in both your endeavours and personal life.
Achieve Success and Happiness
By building upon what was mentioned it will also enhance your chances of achieving success, in your endeavours.
Finally, optimistic people are simply happier in general.
They aren’t less concerned about things; rather they have their share of worries.
Just need to change how they see things from focusing on the negatives to seeing the positives.
What Are the Disadvantages of Positive Thinking?
Having a mindset does come with a lot of advantages. Nonetheless, like everything, in life it’s not flawless.
The aforementioned article, from the American Psychological Association also mentions that there are some downsides to thinking and happiness, such, as the following;
More Prone to Make Mistakes
Exaggerating situations or refusing to acknowledge the severity of a situation can lead individuals to cut corners, overlook error checks and base decisions on assumptions.
More Inclined to Thinking Stereotypically
Those who tend to have an outlook often get categorised as clichés as they may overlook the nuances in personalities that truly make each person one of a kind.
People often have a tendency to be highly competitive and motivated by rewards. This is likely because their thought process typically starts with the goal of achieving success.
Lack of Fear
Fear should not be seen as a foe. It plays a role in ensuring our survival. Prevents us from making disastrous errors.
Can Limit You From Growth
Turning to the perspective of the argument there seems to be an excess of fear.
Since happiness and optimism can bring about contentment, these virtues can sadly also limit us from further growth.
Too Much Trust
Giving others the benefit of the doubt is generally a practice. It can also make it challenging to recognize warning signs at times.
Tendency to Gauge and Feel Pain
Positive individuals often. React to pain deeply, than those with a negative mindset if it occurs.
Anticipating pain might actually improve the experience whereas not expecting it could make it feel more challenging.
However we think that the majority of these drawbacks stem from an unevenness, from individuals who lack a grasp of the essence of optimism.
What Is Genuine Optimism?
For us, true optimism isn’t being in a state of denial or ignorance.
Being self assured doesn’t mean being overly proud or overly confident.. Importantly it’s definitely not about pretending until you succeed.
Instead mindfulness involves directing your thoughts to perceive reality as it truly’s considering how you would react to it.
Coming to terms with the fact that some things are beyond your control and acknowledging that fretting over them won’t bring about any solutions.
Having a clear mind allows one to consider solutions instead of simply succumbing to despair.
Having a mindset towards life involves acknowledging that the obstacles you face are not setbacks but chances to develop and gain knowledge.
With the right way to think positively, you will not be prone to commit mistakes, believe stereotypes, and be overly competitive.
You won’t be overly bold.
You’ll understand your boundaries. You won’t allow them to deter you from standing up for yourself.
You may not want to trust but you can appreciate kindness, embrace forgiveness and understand empathy.
Finally you won’t let setbacks bring you down because you’re aware that you put in your effort.
For us, the key is achieving balance first.
How to Achieve the Right Balance
We recognize that this is easier said than done.
Thankfully it’s entirely achievable. It all starts with identifying distortions.
Every individual carries a past shaped by a blend of elements and personal encounters. The narratives of our lives.
The issue lies in how our personal experiences, the world around us and the societal expectations we face can shape a perception of life.
Different Thought Distortions
Various kinds of distortions exist, with the prevalent ones being;
This involves concentrating on one aspect of an event without realising it and inadvertently overlooking details.
People who tend to lean towards pessimism or extreme optimism often fixate on either the positive aspects of situations disregarding everything in between.
This mindset simplifies things to just categorise everything as either positive or negative.
There’s nothing in between.
It involves making unlikely assumptions and drawing conclusions based on details.
This is a thinking process where you put the “me” goggles on.
You’re seeing that everything happening is about you.
People’s expressions, like smiles, smirks, sighs and frowns as well as their decisions that seem unrelated may be connected to you or influenced by you in some way.
Emotional Reasoning
It’s common to let your emotions influence your thinking, believing that your feelings determine who you are.
Share your opinions on the journals as they can assist in identifying any thoughts and eventually addressing them.
The First Steps Towards True Optimism
After identifying your thoughts the next step is to take action to address them.
The only way to truly master something is by practising until it becomes natural.
You should try to capture your thoughts and think about them carefully.
- Are you distorting them in some way?
- Is there a chance that you might be intentionally or unintentionally overlooking?
What is the truth?
Once you’ve mastered this skill we strongly suggest engaging in exercises that promote thinking.
Now that you’ve grasped the situation for what it truly is, the next step is to consider; are you able to take action on it?
By this stage things start to become a bit simpler. The solution, in the end, is quite clear and simple.
If the answer is no, then there’s no use worrying about it.
If the answer is yes, you can use positive thinking techniques to confront it with a more optimistic approach.
Remember, there are times when following these steps can pose quite a challenge.
If you’re struggling with overwhelming thoughts it might be a good idea to reach out to a professional for assistance.
Your pessimistic thinking could be a sign of an issue.
Getting help can provide you with a range of treatments and support to assist you in managing your well being, boosting your confidence, along the way.
Related: How to Have a More Positive Mindset
Manifestation Miracle
You could also consider enrolling in a self improvement course focused on fostering optimism and bringing goals to fruition.
Among the options we must say that Manifestation Miracle stands out as one of our top picks.
It offers a guide on how to achieve your aspirations by embracing thinking rooted in the real world.
There are two options: a guidebook and an audiobook, which you can switch between based on your needs and preferences.
What Can a Positive Mindset Do?
Effects of positive thinking on life has been a topic of discussion.
Does it truly have an impact?. If it does, what are its effects?
Having a mindset has advantages, such, as reducing health issues boosting productivity and increasing happiness and satisfaction.
Nevertheless it comes with its drawbacks, particularly when the methods are not implemented correctly.
Decreasing prejudices and thought distortions is one of the keys to achieving genuine optimism.
Engaging in self improvement courses such as Manifestation Miracle can also assist in solidifying the teachings you’ve acquired to put the concepts into practice in your life.
Isn’t everything else worth doing that also requires a lot of practice?

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
Read My Story here.
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