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YouTube Channel Stats

Growing a popular YouTube channel isn’t easy. Roughly 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. And on top of everything else, over 51 Million YouTube channels compete for the user’s attention. For most entrepreneurs, that competition sends a shiver down their spine.

However, a strong YouTube channel strategy can differentiate between your business getting all the attention it needs or struggling. Why? Because if you do it right, the 2nd biggest traffic source in the world can send you:

  • Improve your YouTube channel stats and get more traffic to your website
  • Hot prospects for your business
  • Higher ranking in the YouTube search results
  • Increased brand awareness and recognition

Whether you’re a small business owner, freelancer, or an overwhelmed marketer with a dedicated money and time budget, we know you don’t always have the resources to research everything there is to learn about the latest YouTube channel marketing techniques. So in this quick guide, we’ve put together eight important YouTube channel stats to help you get the channel marketing basics right for your business.

Before we get into marketing side for YouTube channels, here are the traffic stats for YouTube:

Key YouTube Traffic Statistics: Editor’s notes

  • YouTube has approximately 2.5 billion monthly users in 2023
  • YouTube also boasts 122 million daily users
  • 500 hours of video get uploaded every minute of every day
  • Worldwide YouTube watch time has reached 250 million hours every single day
  • About 5 billion videos get watched on YouTube daily
  • Currently, there are 51 million YouTube Channels

YouTube Channel Stats That Are Worth Knowing About

1. Users spend about 19 minutes daily explore videos on YouTube

According to Alexa traffic stats  visitors spend about 19 minutes on the platform, everyday. If you would look at engagement stats, that’s a highly engaged audience. Do you want to capture some of those minutes for your business?

First, you’ll need to create an appealing and engaging video. Good content can attract more viewers to your page, and stay longer. The video content should be related to the brand’s mission and identity. While branding is important, the content must resonate with a broader audience. It doesn’t have to be anything ground-breaking or even innovative – just something that people actually want to watch.

2. 53.9% of users on the YouTube platform are male

53.9% of YouTube individuals over 18 years old are male. The remaining 46.1% are female. Due to this, there is an increase in 56% males and 44% females in 2023. This reveals that females watchers are increasing yearly. This brings additional targeting options for smart marketers.

3. 30% of Internet users watch live-streams

The benefits of live-streaming is that it’s dynamic, it’s authentic, and as such it’s engaging. According to the statistics, 30% of Internet users report watching one live stream per week. This shows that viewers find it captivating when using social media live streams due to their real-time, powerful, and immersive features.

4. In every 3 Internet users, 1 has watched a how-to video tutorial this week

If you are looking for a better way to train your audience on how best to make use of your service or product, a tutorial video should be at the top list. A good second step is to motivate your audiences with a content calendar of the next step. The next step would take them through each step of service or product you want to learn or use. Both male and female Generation Z audiences are focusing on how-to or educational videos. Approximately 53% are engaged in tutorials.

Other general content for Youtube users aged 15 to 65 include product reviews, game skills research, and watching comedies.

4. Mobile users visit twice the amount of pages compared to desktop visitors

Mobile users visit on average 4.63 pages per session, while desktop users only visit at 2.84 pages. This difference clearly shows that the mobile users are more impatient or easily distracted compared to desktop users. Perhaps they just love flicking through videos more often then stationary people.

5. YouTube sports content 90 million by 2025

Youtube channel stats show that YouTube sports content views will increase to approximately 90 million by 2025.

Live events like Super Bowl and other live events will always attract a huge number of viewers. YouTube has become the leading platform that provides sports content. The number of online viewers of live sports in the U.S. reached 57.5 million in 2022. This number is expected to reach 90 million by 2025.

6. India is the largest advertising audience on YouTube

With almost 467 million users, India has the most extensive advertising audience around the globe. The United states in example, is the second largest audience, with 247 million viewers. The lesson here is to target your own local market for your services or products.

7. YouTube is the most used channel for advertisements by males aged 24-34

In regard to the YouTube advertising audience, males aged 25-34 are the platform’s largest demographic by 11.6% of the total audience. The Millennials are the largest audience for the time being.

8. 80% of American parents have reported that their children below 11 years old watch YouTube

Research shows that approximately 53% of American parents have reported that their children watch YouTube videos daily. YouTube’s user statistics show its widespread reach across all ages.

If done ethically, it may be a long-term strategy to create a memoizable brand.



That’s it for the YouTube channel stats.

Never allow YouTube marketing to be an overwhelming or huge task. When you start struggling with how to execute YouTube strategy, always consider making use of an expert with the necessary skills in marketing who can help you.

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petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.

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