Love Affirmations to Attract Romance, and a Healthy Relationship

84 Love Affirmations to Attract Romance, and a Healthy Relationship

When it comes to love and relationships we all have our unique desires.

Some of us seek a partner while others prefer a more casual connection.

Regardless of what you’re seeking there’s no denying that a fulfilling and joyful relationship holds value in life.

If you’re in search of love it’s crucial to maintain a mindset and focus on attracting the right person into your life.

To assist you in this endeavor we have compiled a list of 84 love affirmations. They can be used to help attract romance, healthy relationships, and love.

What are love affirmations?

Well, love affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself. You do it with the intention of manifesting love, romance and positive energy into your life.

Love affirmations serve as tools for shaping your mindset and can be most effective when used consistently.

How do these love affirmations actually work?

When you recite or even just think about an affirmation you are effectively sowing a seed within your mind.

  • The nurturing thoughts and emotions you provide this seed, the stronger it will grow.
  • Eventually this affirmation takes root within your being and blossoms into something that manifests in your reality.
  • The key to making affirmations truly effective lies in believing in their power and potential impact on your life.

If you can convince your subconscious mind that what you’re affirming is true, then the Universe will conspire to make it so.

Positive love relationship affirmations

They assist in training your mind to concentrate on what you desire, rather than what you do not desire.

When you repeatedly affirm these positive love affirmations to yourself, your belief in them will grow stronger, over time. As your self perception and connections evolve, your overall energy will undergo a transformation well.

This newfound energy will then draw the things you long for into your existence.

How Do I Use Love Affirmations?

To maximize the effectiveness of your love affirmations it’s important to say them with confidence and genuinely believe in their power. Start by discovering love affirmations that truly resonate with you and make it a daily habit to speak them aloud or write them down.

Additionally, combining your love affirmations with visualization can be extremely effective.

10 Love Affirmations

Love Affirmations

When you want to attract love into your life, it’s essential to start with self-love. These 10 love affirmations will help you do just that:

  1. I am loved and supported.
  2. I am surrounded by love and care.
  3. I am cherished and valued.
  4. I am special and unique.
  5. I am loved just the way I am.
  6. I can always count on being loved.
  7. I am never alone, even by myself.
  8. I am safe and protected.
  9. I always have someone to lean on.
  10. I know that I am loved.

10 Essential Attracting Romance Affirmations

When you want to attract love and Romance into your life, starting with self-love is essential.

So, these 10 love affirmations will help you attract more Romance into your life:

  1. I am loved and cherished.
  2. An abundance of love surrounds me.
  3. My relationship is healthy, peaceful, and harmonious.
  4. My partner loves and adores me unconditionally.
  5. We are madly in love with each other.
  6. Our love is passionate and deeply fulfilling.
  7. We are best friends and soulmates.
  8. We respect, trust, and nurture each other.
  9. We are committed to spending our lives together.
  10. Our love grows stronger and deeper every day.

7 Affirmations for Love and Marriage

If you want to get married or improve your existing marriage, these love affirmations can help:

  1. I am open to love and marriage in my life.
  2. I am confident, lovable, and deserve only the best in life.
  3. Love is easy, natural, and effortless for me.
  4. I attract healthy, happy relationships into my life.
  5. I release all fear, doubt, and negativity around love & open myself up to happiness.
  6. I am grateful for the loving relationships in my life.
  7. I deserve love, happiness, and a lifetime of blissful marriage.

6 Affirmations For Manifesting Love

If you want to manifest love in your life, then these affirmations can help. Love is one of the most powerful forces on this planet.

  1. I am confident, lovable, and deserve only the best in life.
  2. Love is easy, natural, and effortless for me.
  3. I attract healthy, happy relationships into my life.
  4. I release all fear, doubt, and negativity around love & open myself up to happiness.
  5. I am grateful for the loving relationships in my life.
  6. I deserve love, happiness, and a lifetime of blissful marriage.

Read more: How to Manifest Your Soulmate

5 Sensual Affirmations For Intimacy

If you want more intimacy in your life, then use these affirmations:

  1. I am comfortable and confident in my skin.
  2. I am open to giving, sharing and receiving love unconditionally.
  3. I deserve to experience intense happiness, love, and intimacy.
  4. I let go of all inhibitions and allow myself to be vulnerable and free.1
  5. I love and accept myself unconditionally, which allows me to attract healthy relationships into my life.

4 Law of attraction Marriage Affirmations

When you want to attract marriage into your life, then use these affirmations. Not everyone wants to get married, but when you meet the right person, you’ll know it.

  1. I am worthy of a loving and committed relationship.
  2. I am open to finding my soulmate and experiencing true love.
  3. I attract healthy and happy relationships into my life.
  4. I let go of all fears, doubts, and reservations that are holding me back from finding my ideal partner.

10 Affirmations For Relationships

Affirmations For Relationships

When you’re ready for a relationship, then use these affirmations. A loving relationship is one of the most incredible experiences life has to offer:

  1. I am in a healthy, loving relationship.
  2. My relationship is based on mutual respect and love.
  3. We are committed to making our relationship work.
  4. We communicate openly and honestly with each other.
  5. We share common goals and values in our relationship.
  6. We are best friends as well as lovers.
  7. Our love for each other is strong and true.
  8. We are committed to spending time together and growing closer daily.
  9. We support each other’s dreams and goals.
  10. Our relationship is a top priority in our lives.

12 Affirmations for Love and Marriage

When searching for love and marriage, you can use these affirmations to help you manifest your ideal partner and create a robust and healthy relationship.

  1. I am open to receiving love and marriage into my life.
  2. I deserve to be loved unconditionally by my soulmate.
  3. I am worthy of having a loving and happy marriage.
  4. I am attracting my ideal partner into my life.
  5. My relationship is based on love, trust, and mutual respect.
  6. I am committed to being the best spouse I can be.
  7. Our marriage is a beautiful partnership that enhances our lives.
  8. We are best friends and husband and wife.
  9. We are committed to spending quality time together.
  10. Our love grows stronger with each passing day.
  11. I cherish my spouse and am grateful for our marriage.
  12. I am thankful for the wonderful gift of love we shared.

Read more: Marrying your first love statistics

10 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person

When you’re searching for someone to share your life with it’s important to direct your positive thoughts towards attracting that person towards you. Keep in mind that the Universe pays attention to your thoughts. So, if you constantly have thoughts about an individual – the Universe will make an effort to bring that person into your life.

Here are 10 love affirmations for attracting a specific person:

  1. I am deeply in love with _____, and we have a beautiful, healthy relationship.
  2. We are madly in love, and our connection is strong and true.
  3. I cherish _____ and am grateful for the wonderful relationship we share.
  4. We are best friends as well as lovers.
  5. Our love for each other is strong and true.
  6. We are committed to spending time together and growing closer daily.
  7. We support each other’s dreams and goals.
  8. Our relationship is a top priority in our lives.
  9. We are sexual soulmates, and our intimacy is passionate and fulfilling.
  10. I love _____ unconditionally and appreciate everything about them.

Read more: Dating Statistics To Help You Find Love

10 Affirmations For Marriage Restoration

When you feel your relationship is going through a challenging phase, it is essential to stay positive and hopeful. These marriage restoration affirmations will help you do just that.

  1. Our marriage is strong and will withstand anything that comes our way.
  2. We are committed to working through our challenges and rebuilding our relationship.
  3. We are open and honest about our feelings.
  4. We are willing to forgive each other for our past mistakes.
  5. We are committed to spending quality time together.
  6. We are sexually intimate with each other, and our physical connection is strong.
  7. Our love for each other is stronger than anything that could come between us.
  8. We communicate effectively with each other and always look for ways to improve our communication.
  9. We support each other’s dreams and goals.
  10. We are best friends and husband and wife.

Do Positive Love Affirmations Work?

Do Positive Love Affirmations Work

The answer to this is a resounding YES!

Love affirmations are effective because they assist in reprogramming the mind. Our subconscious mind holds power and influences many of our daily actions.

If you hold beliefs about relationships, such as thinking they are challenging or that you always end up getting hurt, these beliefs will manifest in your actual experiences.

On the other hand, if you have positive beliefs about relationships, then these beliefs will also be reflected in your reality.

  • I deserve to be in a loving, supportive relationship
  • I am worthy of love and happiness
  • I am worthy of all the love that I can attract

Therefore, by repeating love affirmations daily, you can help to reprogram your subconscious mind and change your beliefs about relationships.

As a result, you will begin to see positive changes in your relationships.


To sum up love affirmations and the law of attraction possess potential to draw different aspects into your life, such as marriage.

By incorporating love affirmations and visualizations you can condition your mind to believe in your worthiness of discovering a soulmate and encountering genuine love.

When you let go of all past hurts and resentments, you open yourself up to finding happiness and joy in the present moment.

The power of attraction is always at play so it’s crucial to direct your attention towards what you desire to bring into your life.

By incorporating love affirmations and embracing the law of attraction you can effortlessly manifest the marriage that you’ve always envisioned.





petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.

Read My Story here.

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