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Why Being Ungrateful Attracts More of What You Don’t Want
Getting your attraction on point isn’t easy. In our daily struggles, there lies a paradoxical truth: the more we turn a blind eye to gratitude, the more we find ourselves entangled in the web of undesirable life circumstances.
And on top of everything else, the act of being ungrateful sets in motion a subtle but powerful force, drawing forth a torrent of pain, bad luck and discontent with what you have.
For most people, this is the exact opposite of what they are trying to achieve.
However, having a grateful attitude can be the difference between you getting all the things you want or struggling. Why? Because if you apply it, life will start giving you:
- The things you want
- The things you need
- Things that make you happy
- Things that are in alignment with your core values
Whether you’re a coach, loa student or an overwhelmed individual with a dedicated money and time budget, we know you don’t always have the resources to find everything there is to know about the latest scientific research about gratitude.
So in this quick guide, we’ve put together a few good reminders to help you get up to date, and start attracting what you want.
Understanding What Gratitude Is
Definition of Gratitude
Gratitude refers to the feeling of appreciation and thankfulness, towards something or someone. It is an emotion that arises when we acknowledge and recognize the aspects of our lives.
In a study conducted by Emmons and McCullough (2003) gratitude was found to consist of two elements;
- recognizing the goodness in our lives
- acknowledging that this goodness comes from sources, beyond ourselves
Expressing gratitude goes beyond acknowledging life events, such, as getting a job promotion or purchasing a new car. It also involves recognizing the things that bring joy like witnessing a sunset or receiving a thoughtful gesture from a friend.
Gratitude can be conveyed through means, such as expressing thanks, jotting down a heartfelt note of appreciation or simply sharing a warm smile.
Related: What gratitude is
Importance of Gratitude
Expressing gratitude has been proven to have a multitude of advantages, for our well being encompassing both our mental health.
As indicated in a study conducted by Wood et al. (2010) engaging in gratitude practices can:
- Enhance the quality of our sleep
- Boost our energy levels
- Alleviate symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.
- Experience an increased sense of positive emotions
Individuals who regularly express gratitude often enjoy fulfilling relationships.
However, not expressing gratitude can lead to negative outcomes.
Individuals who concentrate on what they’re lacking in life are prone to encountering negative outcomes such as:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulties in establishing and sustaining personal connections
They may also struggle with manifesting what they want in life.
Ultimately, being grateful is a feeling that can profoundly influence our state of being.
When we acknowledge and value all aspects of our lives, it tends to lead to more happiness and stronger personal connections with others, and better physical and mental well being.
The Law of Attraction
The concept of the Law of Attraction revolves around principles, including the influence of thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
How Gratitude Influences Attraction
The Law of Attraction emphasizes the importance of gratitude.
When individuals express gratitude they increase their chances of attracting positive experiences.
This is because gratitude shifts their focus, towards appreciating what they already possess or longing for what they don’t have.
By acknowledging and being thankful, for their blessings individuals can draw similar experiences into their lives.
On the other hand, when someone fails to show gratitude it can actually invite more of the things they don’t desire.
If individuals constantly fixate on their shortcomings or what they lack they tend to draw experiences towards themselves.
The reason behind this lies in their thoughts and emotions being centered on what they don’t want rather than what they desire.
To put it simply, the Law of Attraction proposes that individuals can bring about their desires by directing their attention towards thoughts and emotions and by envisioning themselves already possessing what they desire.
Appreciation plays a role in this principle since it assists individuals in directing their focus towards what they have thus attracting more of the same into their lives.
Conversely lacking gratitude can draw more of what an individual does not wish for.
Ungratefulness and Its Consequences
Being unappreciative or ungrateful is a characteristic that can greatly impact one’s life.
Individuals who possess this trait tend to fixate on their deficiencies than acknowledge their blessings resulting in feelings of discontentment, animosity and resentment.
Such a mindset can inadvertently invite circumstances ultimately leading to a never ending cycle of negativity.
Impact on Personal Life
Some people have a tendency to be self centered and fail to acknowledge the contributions of others. This can result in resentment and anger, from those in their circle.
Moreover ungrateful individuals may encounter difficulties, with their well being as their pessimistic outlook can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety.
Impact on Professional Life
Unappreciative behavior can also harm one’s work life. Employees who fail to show gratitude may find it challenging to build connections with coworkers and managers which can limit their chances for career growth. Moreover, their pessimistic outlook can adversely affect their job performance resulting in productivity and lower quality of work.
Employers might hesitate to promote or assign responsibilities to employees who demonstrate tendencies.
In general not appreciating the things we have can have impacts on our work lives. It’s crucial to develop a mindset of gratitude and concentrate on the things in life to draw more of what we desire.
Case Studies of Ungratefulness
Personal Experiences
Ingratitude is something that can be seen in people, from backgrounds. For example it is quite common to come across individuals who aren’t satisfied with their job even though they have a stable income and job stability. These individuals tend to concentrate on the downsides of their work like working hours and challenging colleagues while failing to acknowledge the advantages that come with their employment.
A different instance of ingratitude can be observed in people who’re dissatisfied with their looks. Even if they are, in health and shape they may fixate on imperfections and measure themselves against unattainable beauty ideals imposed by society. Consequently this can result in a perception of oneself and an inability to value their attributes.
Scientific Research
Studies have indicated that not being grateful can adversely affect a person’s well being. For instance, one study discovered that individuals who actively practiced gratitude experienced heightened levels of emotions and greater satisfaction with their lives]. Similarly another study revealed that those who expressed gratitude enjoyed sleep quality and reported fewer signs of depression.
Moreover being unappreciative can actually draw in situations, into one’s life. This is due to the concept of the Law of Attraction which suggests that similar things tend to attract each other. When an individual fixates on thoughts and emotions they are more inclined to bring about experiences in their life.
Consequently an ungrateful individual may persistently invite occurrences into their life ultimately leading to a cycle of discontentment and unhappiness.
Ways to Cultivate Gratitude
Gratitude holds power as a tool that enables individuals to nurture a mindset and draw more of their desires into their lives. Here are a few methods to foster gratitude;
Daily Practices
- Gratitude Journaling – Encourage individuals to write down three things they are grateful for each day. This can help shift their focus from what they lack to what they have.
- Gratitude Meditation – Encourage individuals to sit quietly and focus on the things they are grateful for. This can help them cultivate a sense of peace and gratitude in their daily lives.
- Gratitude Letters – Encourage individuals to write a letter to someone they are grateful for. This can help them express their gratitude and strengthen their relationships.
Long-Term Strategies
- Focus on Long-Term Goals – Encourage individuals to focus on their long-term goals instead of short-term challenges. By focusing on what they want to achieve, they can cultivate a sense of purpose and gratitude.
- Practice Mindfulness – Encourage individuals to practice mindfulness by being present in the moment and appreciating the little things in life. This can help them cultivate a sense of gratitude and joy in their daily lives.
- Give Back to Others – Encourage individuals to give back to others by volunteering or donating to charity. This can help them cultivate a sense of gratitude and purpose by helping others in need.
By incorporating these daily practices and long-term strategies, individuals can cultivate a sense of gratitude and attract more of what they want in life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the negative effects of ingratitude?
Ingratitude can cause impacts on a person’s life. It may result in feelings of discontent, resentment and animosity. Additionally it can establish a pattern where individuals fixate on their shortcomings than appreciating their existing blessings leading to a perpetual sense of insufficiency.
How does lack of thanksgiving affect one’s life?
Not being grateful can greatly affect someone’s life. It can result in a loss of motivation, reduced happiness and a feeling of entitlement. Additionally it can harm relationships with others as they may feel unacknowledged and underappreciated.
What are the common characteristics of ungrateful people?
Some individuals who lack gratitude often display a sense of entitlement. Fail to appreciate the contributions made by others. They might frequently. Adopt an outlook fixating on what they lack rather than acknowledging their blessings. Moreover ungrateful individuals may exhibit empathy and compassion, towards others.
What are the psychological reasons behind ungrateful behavior?
The reasons behind behavior are quite intricate. Have multiple facets. Some studies propose that it could be associated with personality traits like narcissism and entitlement while others suggest that it may stem from a difficulty in managing emotions or a past history of trauma or abuse.
What are the dangers of not praising God?
Neglecting to acknowledge and give thanks to God can result in a feeling of emptiness and detachment, on a level. It may also cultivate a sense of entitlement and a failure to recognize the blessings in one’s life. Furthermore it has the potential to harm one’s connection, with God causing feelings of guilt and shame to arise.
What causes a person to develop an ungrateful attitude?
There are elements that can contribute to the formation of a mindset. These factors encompass characteristics like a sense of entitlement and self centeredness, inadequate emotional control abilities, experiences of trauma or mistreatment, in the past as well as societal influences such as a culture that promotes consumerism and materialistic values.
Information for this article was gathered from the following sources:
, towards something or someone. It is an emotion that arises when we acknowledge and recognize the aspects of our lives.
In a study conducted by Emmons and McCullough (2003) gratitude was found to consist of two elements;
- recognizing the goodness in our lives
- acknowledging that this goodness comes from sources, beyond ourselves
Expressing gratitude goes beyond acknowledging life events, such, as getting a job promotion or purchasing a new car. It also involves recognizing the things that bring joy like witnessing a sunset or receiving a thoughtful gesture from a friend.
Gratitude can be conveyed through means, such as expressing thanks, jotting down a heartfelt note of appreciation or simply sharing a warm smile.
Importance of Gratitude
Expressing gratitude has been proven to have a multitude of advantages, for our well being encompassing both our mental health.
As indicated in a study conducted by Wood et al. (2010) engaging in gratitude practices can:
- Enhance the quality of our sleep
- Boost our energy levels
- Alleviate symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.
- Experience an increased sense of positive emotions
Individuals who regularly express gratitude often enjoy fulfilling relationships.
However, not expressing gratitude can lead to negative outcomes.
Individuals who concentrate on what they’re lacking in life are prone to encountering negative outcomes such as:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulties in establishing and sustaining personal connections
They may also struggle with manifesting what they want in life.
Ultimately, being grateful is a feeling that can profoundly influence our state of being.
When we acknowledge and value all aspects of our lives, it tends to lead to more happiness and stronger personal connections with others, and better physical and mental well being.
The Law of Attraction
The concept of the Law of Attraction revolves around principles, including the influence of thoughts, beliefs and emotions.
How Gratitude Influences Attraction
The Law of Attraction emphasizes the importance of gratitude.
When individuals express gratitude they increase their chances of attracting positive experiences.
This is because gratitude shifts their focus, towards appreciating what they already possess or longing for what they don’t have.
By acknowledging and being thankful, for their blessings individuals can draw similar experiences into their lives.
On the other hand, when someone fails to show gratitude it can actually invite more of the things they don’t desire.
If individuals constantly fixate on their shortcomings or what they lack they tend to draw experiences towards themselves.
The reason behind this lies in their thoughts and emotions being centered on what they don’t want rather than what they desire.
To put it simply, the Law of Attraction proposes that individuals can bring about their desires by directing their attention towards thoughts and emotions and by envisioning themselves already possessing what they desire.
Appreciation plays a role in this principle since it assists individuals in directing their focus towards what they have thus attracting more of the same into their lives.
Conversely lacking gratitude can draw more of what an individual does not wish for.
Ungratefulness and Its Consequences
Being unappreciative or ungrateful is a characteristic that can greatly impact one’s life.
Individuals who possess this trait tend to fixate on their deficiencies than acknowledge their blessings resulting in feelings of discontentment, animosity and resentment.
Such a mindset can inadvertently invite circumstances ultimately leading to a never ending cycle of negativity.
Impact on Personal Life
Some people have a tendency to be self centered and fail to acknowledge the contributions of others. This can result in resentment and anger, from those in their circle.
Moreover ungrateful individuals may encounter difficulties, with their well being as their pessimistic outlook can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety.
Impact on Professional Life
Unappreciative behavior can also harm one’s work life. Employees who fail to show gratitude may find it challenging to build connections with coworkers and managers which can limit their chances for career growth. Moreover, their pessimistic outlook can adversely affect their job performance resulting in productivity and lower quality of work.
Employers might hesitate to promote or assign responsibilities to employees who demonstrate tendencies.
In general not appreciating the things we have can have impacts on our work lives. It’s crucial to develop a mindset of gratitude and concentrate on the things in life to draw more of what we desire.
Case Studies of Ungratefulness
Personal Experiences
Ingratitude is something that can be seen in people, from backgrounds. For example it is quite common to come across individuals who aren’t satisfied with their job even though they have a stable income and job stability. These individuals tend to concentrate on the downsides of their work like working hours and challenging colleagues while failing to acknowledge the advantages that come with their employment.
A different instance of ingratitude can be observed in people who’re dissatisfied with their looks. Even if they are, in health and shape they may fixate on imperfections and measure themselves against unattainable beauty ideals imposed by society. Consequently this can result in a perception of oneself and an inability to value their attributes.
Scientific Research
Studies have indicated that not being grateful can adversely affect a person’s well being. For instance, one study discovered that individuals who actively practiced gratitude experienced heightened levels of emotions and greater satisfaction with their lives]. Similarly another study revealed that those who expressed gratitude enjoyed sleep quality and reported fewer signs of depression.
Moreover being unappreciative can actually draw in situations, into one’s life. This is due to the concept of the Law of Attraction which suggests that similar things tend to attract each other. When an individual fixates on thoughts and emotions they are more inclined to bring about experiences in their life.
Consequently an ungrateful individual may persistently invite occurrences into their life ultimately leading to a cycle of discontentment and unhappiness.
Ways to Cultivate Gratitude
Gratitude holds power as a tool that enables individuals to nurture a mindset and draw more of their desires into their lives. Here are a few methods to foster gratitude;
Daily Practices
- Gratitude Journaling – Encourage individuals to write down three things they are grateful for each day. This can help shift their focus from what they lack to what they have.
- Gratitude Meditation – Encourage individuals to sit quietly and focus on the things they are grateful for. This can help them cultivate a sense of peace and gratitude in their daily lives.
- Gratitude Letters – Encourage individuals to write a letter to someone they are grateful for. This can help them express their gratitude and strengthen their relationships.
Long-Term Strategies
- Focus on Long-Term Goals – Encourage individuals to focus on their long-term goals instead of short-term challenges. By focusing on what they want to achieve, they can cultivate a sense of purpose and gratitude.
- Practice Mindfulness – Encourage individuals to practice mindfulness by being present in the moment and appreciating the little things in life. This can help them cultivate a sense of gratitude and joy in their daily lives.
- Give Back to Others – Encourage individuals to give back to others by volunteering or donating to charity. This can help them cultivate a sense of gratitude and purpose by helping others in need.
By incorporating these daily practices and long-term strategies, individuals can cultivate a sense of gratitude and attract more of what they want in life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the negative effects of ingratitude?
Ingratitude can cause impacts on a person’s life. It may result in feelings of discontent, resentment and animosity. Additionally it can establish a pattern where individuals fixate on their shortcomings than appreciating their existing blessings leading to a perpetual sense of insufficiency.
How does lack of thanksgiving affect one’s life?
Not being grateful can greatly affect someone’s life. It can result in a loss of motivation, reduced happiness and a feeling of entitlement. Additionally it can harm relationships with others as they may feel unacknowledged and underappreciated.
What are the common characteristics of ungrateful people?
Some individuals who lack gratitude often display a sense of entitlement. Fail to appreciate the contributions made by others. They might frequently. Adopt an outlook fixating on what they lack rather than acknowledging their blessings. Moreover ungrateful individuals may exhibit empathy and compassion, towards others.
What are the psychological reasons behind ungrateful behavior?
The reasons behind behavior are quite intricate. Have multiple facets. Some studies propose that it could be associated with personality traits like narcissism and entitlement while others suggest that it may stem from a difficulty in managing emotions or a past history of trauma or abuse.
What are the dangers of not praising God?
Neglecting to acknowledge and give thanks to God can result in a feeling of emptiness and detachment, on a level. It may also cultivate a sense of entitlement and a failure to recognize the blessings in one’s life. Furthermore it has the potential to harm one’s connection, with God causing feelings of guilt and shame to arise.
What causes a person to develop an ungrateful attitude?
There are elements that can contribute to the formation of a mindset. These factors encompass characteristics like a sense of entitlement and self centeredness, inadequate emotional control abilities, experiences of trauma or mistreatment, in the past as well as societal influences such as a culture that promotes consumerism and materialistic values.

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.
Read My Story here.
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