When you are feeling down and things aren’t really going your way, what do you do?
One of the easiest ways to deal with this situation is to practice gratitude.
Now you must be wondering, how can I be thankful when things aren’t really going my way. I’d say acknowledging the things you possess can be a great start.
Why? Because it makes you optimistic. Your mind begins to focus on the positive aspects of your life. When that happens, your mind becomes preoccupied with positivity and it alleviates stress.
Not only that, it also brings a lot of health benefits for you along with it.
So yes! It can be life changing!
Interesting isn’t it?
Well, that is exactly why I have prepared this article for you.
In here I’ll tell you:
- What thankfulness or gratitude is
- What are gratitude’s impacts on your life
- Most importantly, how can you be thankful
So, let’s dive in together.
What is Thankfulness?
First, you need to know what thankfulness or gratitude is.
According to Verywell Mind, thankfulness is the recognition that something good has happened to you.
To put it simply, it is when you show appreciation for the good things in your life. They can be anything really, big or small.
I’ll give you an example to help you understand better.
Imagine, whenever you achieve a milestone there is this one friend who is always there to celebrate it with you. Every time. Whether it is promotion or progress, they find joy in your success. In this situation, you can express gratitude to them.
You can say “thank you” or do something in return for them.
And that’s not all, there are many ways in which you can express gratitude.
You can write a gratitude letter or send them a thank you gift. I have discussed these in detail here, but what matters is that you show your appreciation.
Now whenever you feel down, you can express gratitude for things like these. Acknowledge them. Remember them. Whether it was a friend helping you, or a family member supporting you.
When you do this you become happy and satisfied.
I know what you’re thinking. How can it make me happy?
For that you need to understand the psychology behind gratitude.
The Psychology Behind Gratitude
You will surely notice a change in your life the moment you incorporate gratitude into it.
According to a study, you can experience up to a 25% increase in happiness when you express gratitude.
I’ll simplify it for you. It is because gratitude lets you focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Now I’m not saying you should ignore all the negative aspects. No, you will still face challenges and negativity. What gratitude does is it prepares you to face the challenges with resilience.
Here are a few more studies on how gratitude works.
Researchers say, when you express gratitude your brain’s reward center releases dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters give you feelings of pleasure and well being [2]. As a result you feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction.
Another study says that being grateful can enhance your relationships [3]. Additionally, when you express gratitude you experience decreased levels of stress.
To sum it all up, gratitude enhances your physical and mental well-being. It in turn makes you happier and satisfied with your life.
Well, do you want to reap the benefits of gratitude?
Let’s look at the art of being grateful.
The Art of Being Grateful
Do you wanna live a happy and satisfying life? Just learn the art of being grateful!
Practicing gratitude is a technique to improve your overall well-being. It alleviates stress and brings joy into your life. It allows you to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
One thing you should note.
Gratitude doesn’t mean disregarding emotions or experiences. Instead it means acknowledging and embracing these feelings.
By adopting a mindset of gratitude you can develop resilience. You can also discover happiness and significance when faced with difficult situations.
You can start by creating a habit of maintaining a gratitude journal.
What is a Gratitude journal?
Well, it is a notebook where you record all the positive aspects of your life. It’s basically a record of the good things that have happened to you.
You can also make gratitude a part of your daily life by practicing mindful gratitude.
Are you interested? Let’s discuss them in detail.
How to Cultivate Gratitude?
Gratitude is a great way for you to improve your overall well-being.
Why? Because it brings along happiness and satisfaction.
Once you become grateful, you begin to focus on the positive aspects of your life. This practice helps your mind settle down, as a result you become optimistic.
You can make gratitude a part of your life in many ways.
I have listed a few methods here for you. They are simple and easy;
Method #1: Daily Gratitude Practice
I’d say one of the best ways to practice gratitude is by adding it to your daily routine. There are many ways to do it but I suggest you do this;
- Take a few minutes every morning to look at your surroundings.
- Appreciate the things you have been given, or you are seeing.
- It could be something as simple as a restful sleep or a gentle touch of sunlight.
- No matter how insignificant they may seem. Appreciate them. Acknowledge them. Feel blessed.
I assure you, if you do this every morning it will help you create a positive mindset. That mindset will carry on for the remainder of the day.
Method #2: Mindful Gratitude
Another way of nurturing a grateful soul is mindful gratitude.
How does it work?
What it means is, being fully present in each moment and acknowledging it. Think positively about it.
You have to carry out this practice throughout the day.
You can understand it with the help of an example:
Let’s say you are taking a walk and you come across a flower. When practicing mindful gratitude, you take a pause. Admire the flower’s beauty and acknowledge it.
I know, the flower might appear insignificant to you, but is also a positive in your life. It is true that it appears insignificant but that’s how mindfulness works. You don’t just focus on the big picture but also acknowledge the tiny things.
This practice is beneficial in the long term!
Because when you practice mindful gratitude, you develop an optimistic perspective. For everything. No matter how insignificant something appears.
Once you develop an optimistic perspective, you feel less stressed. It increases your happiness and you become satisfied with your life.
There is another practice you can follow;
Gratitude journaling.
Method #3: Gratitude Journaling
A gratitude journal is a notebook or a log, where you record the good things in your life.
When you have a record of the positive things of your day, you feel relieved. It alleviates stress and reduces anxiety.
Here are steps and suggestions for you;
- Find a notebook, note or anything you can write on. I suggest a notebook in this case would be best.
- Set a time. I suggest doing it every night. Whenever you are about to go to sleep, write down 3 good things that happened to you that day.
- I suggest that you also write down the details of every event.
- Remain consistent. Do it every night. I suggest setting an alarm as a reminder.
Now whenever you are sad or depressed, just read a few pages from the notebook. It will help you remember all the good things that happened to you.
What this practice will do is, divert your attention from negatives to the positives. It will help you develop a positive and healthy mindset resulting in optimism.
As a result you will feel happy and less depressed.
In summary developing a mindset is something that demands effort and awareness. By practicing gratitude, we can develop a more optimistic perspective on life.
The Impact of Gratitude on Health
We have briefly gone through the positive effects of gratitude on your health.
Gratitude helps you in alleviating stress and anxiety.
You develop resilience when you express gratitude. Additionally, it also increases your happiness level by bringing in optimism in your life.
But did you know that they have also been proven through research?
Let’s dive into the details. We can categorize the health benefits of gratitude into two; physical and mental.
Mental Health Benefits
You can feel better mentally by making gratitude a part of your life.
A study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology was conducted.
It revealed that when you practice gratitude regularly, you feel better mentally.
Additionally, the study revealed that:
- You experience high levels of well being and lower levels of depression and anxiety.
- You enjoy improved sleep quality. Because when you express gratitude you become satisfied with your life. And hey, I’d say there’s no better way to calm yourself down before sleep.
- You begin to show resilience when dealing with depression and anxiety.
- You can also improve your relationships by practicing gratitude. When you express gratitude, you become a positive person. More people are attracted to you.
All of these factors result in mental well being.
Now we move on to the physical health benefits.
Physical Health Benefits
Expressing gratitude not positively impacts our well being but also affects us physically.
A study was published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
According to the study, when you practice gratitude regularly you:
- Reduced inflammation levels are linked to illnesses like heart disease and cancer. You experience them.
- You experience enhanced quality of sleep. I won’t be wrong if I say that sleep is crucial for maintaining physical health.
- You can make better lifestyle choices. When you appreciate your body, you are more likely to engage in self care, i.e exercises or better diet.
All of these factors contribute to your enhanced physical health.
Let’s sum it up.
Gratitude brings happiness for both mind and body. It reduces your likelihood of developing depression and anxiety. It does that by improving your sleep and enhanced relationships.
Physically it can decrease inflammation in your body. Additionally, it can motivate you to develop healthy habits.
Alongside health benefits, gratitude also has a massive impact on our relationships.
Are you interested? Let’s discuss it in detail.
Gratitude in Relationships
Gratitude holds power in making people feel more connected, valued, and acknowledged.
When you express gratitude you begin to acknowledge the good things in your life.
Not just things, I mean people as well. When you appreciate the people around you, you realize their importance.
When you express your thanks and appreciation it creates a cycle of positivity. As a result, you strengthen your connections with others.
We can discuss them in detail. Let’s divide relationships into two parts; Personal and professional.
Personal Relationships
Your partner, friends circle, and family fall into this category.
You can express gratitude to improve these relationships. How?
Well, by being grateful you can make your partner feel more valued and appreciated. And when people feel appreciated, they try to return the favor.
This creates a cycle of positivity. It keeps repeating.
This isn’t just applicable to partners. No. You can also try this with your family and friends. Do something kind for them and see them return the favor.
Additionally, it can be done by acknowledging and appreciating the gestures. This may involve expressing thanks to your friends or family. a meal looking after the children or simply being present to lend an ear. Additionally, showing gratitude through affection is another way to convey appreciation. You can do this through hugs and kisses.
Professional Relationships
Gratitude results in heightened trust and loyalty among colleagues and clients.
At work, expressing gratitude can help you cultivate professional relationships.
These include relationships with your coworkers, colleagues, or clients. Expressing gratitude to these people helps you create a better work environment.
A great way for you to show your appreciation is by sending a thank you note or email. It’s an impactful method to express gratitude for a job well done. It’s also a way to show appreciation for exceeding expectations.
Another approach is to acknowledge the efforts of your colleagues. You can do this, for example, during a meeting.
In general, practicing gratitude establishes our relationships, both personal and professional. But there are a few challenges you might encounter when practicing gratitude. Let’s go over them.
Challenges in Practicing Gratitude
You can change your life by practicing gratitude. It can bring positivity and optimism in your life. It also improves your relationships, both personal and professional.
You now know how to practice thankfulness.
But there are a few obstacles you might face when practicing thankfulness. It is very important to overcome them to reap the full benefits of gratitude.
In this section, I’ll tell you how you can deal with them. So, let’s dive in.
First obstacle most people face is negativity.
Overcoming Negativity
To fully reap the benefits of gratitude, you must first let go of negativity.
I know, it might not look easy but you need to remember an important detail. Negativity can overpower gratitude. It can make you pessimistic.
When that happens, you fail to appreciate the good things in your life. You begin to feel depressed because you can’t see anything positive in your life.
Sounds hard but there is a way to deal with this situation.
What you can do is, remain calm and consistent.
Tell yourself that, there is ALWAYS something that you can be grateful for. Even when things appear hopeless. You must concentrate on the positive aspects of your life, no matter how insignificant they seem.
This practice can help you combat negativity.
Furthermore, you can also use mindfulness to your advantage here. By staying in the present, you won’t overthink about the past or present. You will begin to see positive things around you and it will help you alleviate stress.
You need to overcome another obstacle when practicing gratitude.
Dealing with Ungratefulness
I know, it can be quite frustrating for you when you appreciate something but it doesn’t get returned. However it’s important to keep in mind that gratitude is something.
We cannot dictate how others will react to it.
To handle ungratefulness it’s important to prioritize your practice of gratitude.
You need to keep in mind that showing gratitude isn’t about seeking praise. It’s about nurturing a positive mindset. Also, it’s about acknowledging the blessings in your own life.
Ultimately embracing gratitude may present its share of difficulties for you.
You need to keep in mind that, gratitude is a vital aspect in achieving a joyful and satisfying life.
Conquering negativity and ingratitude will enable you to nurture a spirit. You’ll also be able to value the blessings bestowed upon you.
You can change your life by practicing thankfulness or gratitude. It allows you to develop a positive outlook on life.
When you practice gratitude, you can enjoy a multitude of advantages that it brings to your life. These include stronger relationships, happiness, and enhanced resilience.
One of its most important advantages is its capability to alleviate stress and anxiety. When you concentrate on the positive aspects of your life, you begin to feel optimistic. This results in you developing a positive outlook towards life.
When this happens, your mind becomes filled with positivity and you feel hopeful. Hopeful for the coming future.
Another advantage of expressing gratitude is that it helps you develop strong relationships. When you express gratitude, it results in a sense of goodwill. This can contribute to enhancing relationships, with friends, coworkers, and loved ones.
Ultimately, gratitude enhances our life. It makes us positive and satisfied.
By practicing gratitude, we can reap the full benefits of it. Whether it is by keeping a gratitude journal or adopting similar habits.
It paves a way for us and helps us live a satisfying and happy life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some Jewish blessings of gratitude?
In Judaism there is a history of expressing gratitude through blessings. Jewish people have blessings that they use to show their appreciation.
One such blessing is the Shehecheyanu. It is said to express gratitude for experiences or important moments in life.
Another example is the Birkat Hamazon. It is recited after a meal to give thanks for the food and the company of others. These blessings serve as a reminder to appreciate and be thankful for the blessings, in our lives.
What is the meaning of the quote ‘Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul’ in Urdu?
The saying “Gratitude is the flower that emerges from within” is a translation of a quote attributed to Henry Ward Beecher.
In Urdu it could be rendered as “Shukr dil se nikalne wala sab se khubsurat phool hai”. This quote emphasizes the beauty and significance of gratitude, as an expression.
What is the Science of Happiness’s ‘Experiment in Gratitude’?
The “Experiment in Gratitude” by The Science of Happiness is a research on how gratitude affects our well being.
In this study participants were requested to compose gratitude letters. They were asked to thank those who influenced them the most. The findings revealed that expressing gratitude can improve well-being and happiness.
What is the Science of Gratitude PDF?
The Science of Gratitude PDF delves into the aspects of gratitude.
How it impacts our overall well being. This research paper provides a summary of studies on gratitude. It emphasizes the positive outcomes linked to gratitude, such as heightened happiness, improved sleep quality, and stronger interpersonal connections.
What are some Hakarat hatov quotes?
“Hakarat hatov” is a phrase that captures the essence of gratitude. It signifies the act of recognizing and appreciating the goodness in our lives. Hakarat quotes appear in sources like Psalm 92:1, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord,” and Marcel Proust’s heartfelt words. He spoke about being grateful for those who bring happiness into our lives. They are, like wonderful gardeners tending to our souls helping them blossom.
What are the 4 A’s of gratitude?
The 4 As of gratitude present a framework created by Dr. Robert Emmons to cultivate gratitude. These 4 As represent
- Attention. It refers to being aware of the aspects in our lives
- Appreciation. It involves expressing gratitude for those aspects.
- Affection. It involves showing love and care towards others
- Allowing. It means being open to receiving life’s blessings.
[1] Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389. [2] Korb, A. (2015). The Grateful Brain: The Neuroscience of Giving Thanks. Greater Good Magazine. [3] Algoe, S. B., & Haidt, J. (2009). Witnessing excellence in action: the ‘other-praising’emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4(2), 105-127. [4] Wood, A. M., Froh, J. J., & Geraghty, A. W. (2010). Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration. Clinical Psychology Review, 30(7), 890-905. [5] Seligman, M. E., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. American Psychologist, 60(5), 410-421.
Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
Read My Story here.
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