what is my purpose

What is the purpose of life? Some people believe that it is to be useful, honorable, or happy.

What do you think?

In this post, we’ll look at why different people believe their life’s purpose is different.

We will also go through what makes life important according to ancient philosophers.

And, most importantly, how you might identify your own life’s purpose.

Let’s get started.

What Is the Purpose of My Life

What Is the Purpose of My Life

A lot of people go through life without any sense of direction. They just float from one day to the next, never really putting their mind to anything important.

If you want to feel good about yourself, it is important to have a goal or purpose in life.Something to strive for. Otherwise, you’ll just be drifting through life without any sense of accomplishment.

Think about it this way: if you don’t have a destination in mind, how will you know when you’ve arrived?

A time of reflection

In contrast, finding your life purpose usually entails reflection, inquiry, and careful consideration.

After all, growing older entails more than just achieving adulthood; it also includes gaining experience and wisdom.

Though you may reach a point of self-awareness and understanding without the guidance of others, only then will you become a complete person.

Though some may think this exploration phase comes naturally, you might need help uncovering your true passion.

The Purpose of Life According To Wise People

The Purpose of Life According To Wise People Ralph Waldo Emerson

The aim of life, according to Ralph Waldo Emerson, is not to be happy. It is intended to be useful.

For a long time, scientists examined growth from a physical perspective.

The physical development of a child begins at birth, and his or her mind grows with age.

As a child develops into an adolescent, then into an adult, his or her intellect grows in line with these physical changes:

People once thought that adults stopped growing mentally and physically after they turned 18.

However, when it was discovered that an adult can generate new brain cells, everything changed.

This blew the lid off the concept that humans stopped growing when they reached maturity.

There are two major parts of self-development during adulthood: finding one’s life purpose and spiritually transforming oneself.

Why am I here, and more pertinently, how can I make my life meaningful?

What Makes Life Worthwhile To Live?

What Makes Life Worthwhile To Live

What makes life worthwhile? According to Maslow, self-actualization is the pinnacle of human wants, and everyone should strive for it at some point in their lives.

A more realistic strategy would be to learn and experience as much as possible in this lifetime, such as:

  • The delight of a child’s laughter
  • A natural occurrence, such as the sound of ocean waves slamming against the coast
  • When you meet someone new and they smile at you.
  • It’s always a unique experience when you watch your favorite TV show or movie for the first time with someone who has never seen it.

Coming to the realization that you have finally completed a task after working on it for an extended period is an amazing feeling.

Listening to your favorite music as you’re driving down an open road late at night.

What Makes People Happy and Satisfied?

It’s not about buying more technology, toys, or anything else…
According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, what makes life worthwhile is:

To be useful

What is the sense of living if you are not continually assisting others? Serving others brings true joy in life. Being useful to others is one of the biggest sources of happiness.

So, what can you do today to help someone else enjoy a better life or solve their problems?

Being honorable

It is to be honorable and not selfish but to respect the values of others as much as your own.

And it is to put all of the tools, abilities, talents, and lessons you’ve acquired throughout your life to work to create happiness.

To be sympathetic

To perceive the world through the eyes of compassion and care.

Try to be kind to others always, even if they don’t deserve it. Your act of kindness should come from a pure place within you.

To express empathy and compassion for those around us, we must first comprehend their circumstances.

It can be difficult not to make a bad situation worse when somebody is already in pain or feeling neglected, but there are ways to help without hurting anyone’s feelings!

Are you still asking, “What is my life’s purpose?”

Then keep reading because here are four keys to discovering your life’s meaning.

Four Steps to Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

Finding one’s life’s purpose might be difficult at times, so here are four crucial considerations to keep in mind to stay on track:

Step 1: Take care of your survival needs

Life is nothing more than a daily struggle for survival. You are constantly concerned with paying your bills, feeding your family, and other day-to-day concerns.

In the thick of all of that, it might be tough to see the greater picture and
contribute to it.

It is critical to relax your thoughts while also taking command of all your tasks and dealing with them as successfully as possible.

Do not allow daily hardships to define your destiny or limit your ability to dream large.

Always view problems as chances to develop and learn, and you will see positive results in your life. Accepting a difficulty as an opportunity rather than a threat is the first step toward effectively overcoming it.

Survivors’ guilt is real and common, but you must learn to accept that life is full of hardships. Some people are dealt more difficult hands than others, but each challenge is an opportunity for strength and growth.

Step 2: Learn about yourself, your interests, and special gifts

A great way to start is by asking yourself, “What is my mission statement?” and then following your gut or intuition.

In most cases, our life purpose is already within us; it’s only a matter of discovering it.

In other words, what you succeed at and enjoy doing is exactly what you were born to accomplish.

Always follow your passion. Doing activities that make you happy guarantees that you will do them well. Whether it’s music, art, building, or any other hobby you have, make it a point to pursue it with zeal. Set bigger ambitions and push yourself beyond your apparent limits. Only when you dream big can you achieve huge things.

Step 3: Nobody is perfect

There is no such thing as being flawless when it comes to discovering your life’s mission. It’s impossible to get it correctly because the future is visible to everyone. You can never be everything to everyone; you must sometimes focus in one area at a time and improve steadily over time.

Finding your life purpose is not about fitting in or complying to societal norms. It is all about discovering your genuine talents and interests one step at a time.

Step 4: Don’t worry about failure

Life is designed to be experienced. You should not be afraid to live.

Remember, even if you’re the best in the world at what you do, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

Because of the stark reality of failure, you should never be scared to seize opportunities to live your life. Although failure can be frustrating, consider it an opportunity to learn something and become better in the future.

Accepting failure as a necessary part of the journey to achievement teaches you to get up and try again every time you fall.

Crafting a meaningful and successful life may require taking chances or following a path not traveled by others before you, but when you explore the unknown, you become more aware of your talents and your ability to overcome any constraints you place on yourself.

Last Thoughts

Final thoughts on what my life’s purpose is.

To be happy, it appears that the purpose of life is to be useful, honorable, and kind.

These three factors are based on the input of the person’s life goal.
If the individual can adhere to these values, they are likely to achieve enormous satisfaction and happiness.

For many people, living a completely useful and fulfilling life is an essential aspect of their growth and development.

Depending on what needs you meet during adolescence, such as a sense of belonging or feeling safe, you may start to focus on other goals that are higher up on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs–such as self-transcendence and self-actualization.

Living a purposeful life entails becoming more alert and aware of the world around you.

The world around you becomes larger, and you start to see your place in it. Finding your purpose is a path full of mistakes, but you don’t have to be perfect. It is preferable to strive for excellence rather than perfection. There’s more: your skills and hobbies are valuable.

Do not give up on what you enjoy doing; instead, improve your talents and become the best you can be in areas of interest to you, and most importantly, always follow your heart.

People’s expectations can never be met, and even when they are, they will always hold you to a higher level than they did previously.

Do not be hesitant to follow your heart, even if it goes against conventional wisdom or the expectations of others.

petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.

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