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Many people set goals, but not everyone understands how to use the dreamlining technique to think big about their goals.

Dreamlining is a method for achieving your big dreams and goals.

It’s founded on the idea that if you imagine your goals in great detail first, you’ll be more likely to accomplish them.

Let’s have a look at what dreamlining is and how it works.

What is Dreamlining?

Dreamlining is a goal-setting technique that helps people turn their major dreams, goals and wishes into a well-defined action plan that can help them achieve their goals in 6 to 12 months.

Begin the dreamlining exercise by sitting quietly somewhere with a pen and paper. Close your eyes and spend as much time as possible imagining the life you want.

Start writing down everything that comes to mind once you have a clear vision in your head.

  • Where are you living?
  • What kind of work are you doing?
  • What kind of relationships do you have?

It is preferable to be as explicit as possible.

The next stage is to turn your dreams into objectives after writing them down. Break down each goal into manageable chunks.

Then, one by one, begin working on each goal.

Dreamlining is a fantastic approach to figuring out what you want out of life and getting started on your journey. Try it and see what you can come up with.

This article offers a step-by-step guide to Dreamlining.

Each sep will be described in depth.

Dreamlining aims to make your aspirations a reality by writing them down and analyzing cost and time.

The first thing to remember is that dreamlining isn’t supposed to be the be-all and end-all. Dreamlining is a strategy for achieving your goals and ambitions.

That’s comparable to goal setting, but there are a few significant differences.:

  1. .A precise, step-by-step approach has replaced the goal
  2. The best approach to making goals is, to begin with, unattainable objectives.
  3. This approach is designed to help you change your perspective on life and how you spend your free time when work or other goals are no longer available.


Who Coined The Phrase “Dreamlining”?

Who Coined The Phrase Dreamlining Tim Ferris

Tim Ferriss coined the phrase “Dreamlining” to assist people in putting their huge dreams, goals, and wants into a well-defined action plan that can help them achieve their goals in 6 to 12 months.

I understand why it appears impossible.

It is, nonetheless, conceivable.

It uses Parkinson’s law and the 80/20 rule to turn you into a goal-oriented machine.

Dreamlining’s power is in having a defined method for achieving your goals, rather than having ideas” esoteric ideals” that seem impossible. According to Ferris, the goals transform from hazy wishes to concrete activities.

And it is via these unique experiences that the impossible becomes possible.

After completing this activity, you’ll probably discover that reaching your goals is easier.

Here are the steps you should follow:

So, here is a quick rundown of everything you need to know without further ado.

4 Steps To Start Using Dreamlining

4 Steps To Start Using Dreamlining

Dreamlining #1: Anything is Possible. Forget Reasonable.

The first step in dreamlining is to think big. Really big. Forget about what’s reasonable or possible, and just let your imagination run wild. The sky’s the limit.

  • Create celebrity and heroine characters with your imagination.
  • Imagine having unlimited independence.
  • What if you couldn’t fail?

To begin, set two time-frames: a shorter one and one that is longer.

Write a list of up to five things for each time-frame, including your future goals.

  • being
  • doing
  • having

Is it feasible that possessing is just about material things like a house, a racing motorcycle, or a sailing yacht?

Finding the ideal life partner could also be considered having.

Being can refer to anything you desire to be: a Spanish-speaking radio personality, a professional athlete like Mike Tyson, or a physically fit person.

Don’t worry if your ambitions and goals are out of reach.

This is a really good indicator.

Having outstanding ideas is the first step toward realizing great goals.

To get started working toward your goals, give the timelines a deadline.

For a shorter duration, choose three or six months, and for a longer time, choose six or twelve months. Because your goals appear far away, larger time horizons are less effective.

Dreamlining #2: Decision Time & Deadlines

The first step was to exercise your creative muscles.

The second step is to set a deadline for your dream. This will help you focus and narrow down your options.

This next step requires you to pick between your dream lives and select the four that would change everything in your life for the better.

Choose four items that are important to you for the short-term and long-term.

Short time-frame examples:

  • In the next week, I will…
  • In the next month, I will…
  • In the next year, I will…

Long time-frame examples:

  • In the next 5 years, I will…
  • In the next 10 years, I will…
  • In the next 20 years, I will…
  • When I grow up, I will…

Dreamlining #3: Calculate The Cost For Your Dreamlines

How much are your four fantasy lines going to cost you? If budgeting is essential to you, list the monthly expenditures of each dream (or daily). Consider your financial status in terms of cash flow rather than totals.

For instance, if you want to live in a home on the Mediterranean shore, you may get one for a few hundred dollars. You may also hire one on a monthly basis for a fraction of the cost. Instead of forcing you to save for years, this strategy allows you to attain your goal within three months.

The inspiration for the project.

For three months, you’ve had it with the Mediterranean?

Try Airbnb in New York for a while.

Flight tickets are another example. For most people, purchasing a private jet is a waste of money.

Purchasing a ticket from point A to point B, on the other hand, makes sense.

If you want to become in shape like a boxer, you may do it for free by running and jumping rope, or you can pay a professional trainer a lot of money to do it for you.

Make use of your imagination to save money without sacrificing necessities.

If you have no prior fitness experience, you may need to join a gym to receive the essential training.

If you’re planning a trip, set aside money for everyday expenses as well as one-time fees like equipment and travel.

Calculate your TMI to discover which goals you can achieve.

Follow these steps:

  1. Total up the costs of your four favorite dream lines. Certain expenses must be paid regardless of the circumstances, whereas others are variable and may or may not be incurred. Dreamlines could be free (i.e., involve no financial costs), as becoming a published author could bring in cash.
  2. Multiply your monthly expenses by 1.3. Your expenses and a 30% safety margin are represented by the number 1.3. Only include the costs you may anticipate when you book your flights.

Combine the two to get your TMI.

Sometimes dividing the TMI by 30 to produce a TDI (Target Daily Income) is preferred.

Use a Dreamlining worksheet to calculate your expenses.

Dreamlining #4: Figure Out The First Three Steps and Start Here

Set the first step’s start date for tonight (or tomorrow morning if it’s too late), then the next day’s and the next day’s. Instead of cementing your ambitions, start pushing them into the future.

Simple, quick processes should be used.

They could start by sending an email to enquire about renting a home, taking a sailing class, or scheduling a meeting with a mentor.

If you’re confused about how to go with your ambition line, talk to someone who has done it before.

Don’t get bogged down in theory; instead, learn what it takes in concrete terms.

While carrying out your plan, it’s fine to rewrite and iterate your dream lines.

Unique dream lines might be found in the Being area. You must put your theory into practice to make it useful.

Do you aspire to be a top chef?

Take cooking classes, work as a professional chef, or enroll in a prestigious culinary university.

It’s that simple!


There’s no better tool than Dreamlining when it comes to attaining your life goals. Setting objectives and detailing the steps you’ll take to attain them with Dreamlining is a simple yet powerful strategy.

Dreamlining is breaking down each objective into doable components and organizing them. This keeps you focused and on track as you take small steps toward your goals.

Furthermore, Dreamlining reduces anxiety and ambiguity about the future by converting your goals into concrete measures.

Use Dreamlining if you want to attain your goals ans to living your dream life!

What you can achieve with this formidable tool at your disposal is limitless.



What method do you use for Dreamline?

Write down the first three steps you’ll need to get started on each of the four chosen dream lines. Plan the first step for today (or tomorrow morning if it’s late), the second for tomorrow, and the third for the following day. Start by not projecting your expectations into the future.

How can dreamlining help you achieve your goals?

Dreamlining is a straightforward but effective method for achieving your objectives. The main idea is to set your goals and then create a schedule for achieving them. You can use your Dreamline as a roadmap to help you take action and achieve your objectives once you’ve finished creating it. Dreamlining’s brilliance is that it may be utilized for any objective, big or small. Dreamlining can help you achieve your goals, whether you want to buy a new automobile, establish a business, or get in shape. So, how long are you going to wait?

Start building your Dreamline right now!

How to set realistic goals for yourself?

Setting realistic objectives is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself. You’ll keep motivated and on track while avoiding letdowns if you have a clear and attainable goal. But how can you set attainable objectives? To begin, examine your existing position and choose your goals.

Break down your most important goals into smaller steps that you can achieve along the way once you’ve established one step.

It’s also crucial to think about your resources and develop a timeframe for attaining your goal.

You may develop realistic goals to help you realize your maximum potential by considering these aspects.

The benefits of writing down your goals?

Writing out your goals has numerous advantages. You’re more likely to attain your objectives if you take the time to sit down and write them down. Difference between aims and dreams.

Writing requires you to consider what you want to accomplish and how you intend to do it. Writing out your goals also makes them more clear and genuine, which can help you stay motivated. Seeing your goals, in contrast, can also help you discover any areas where you need to focus or clarify your thinking.

Finally, discussing your written goals with others might help you stay on track to achieve your objectives by providing accountability and support.

So grab a pen and paper and start writing and journaling if you want to improve your odds of reaching your goals.


How to choose a good timeline for your goals

Creating a timeline is one of the most crucial things you can do when it comes to goal-setting. It will help you to stay on track and achieve your goals.

When developing a timeline for your goals, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Be honest with yourself about how much time each goal will take. Overestimating the time required is generally beneficial because it gives you some leeway if things take longer than anticipated.
  2. Break down your goals into smaller targets that you can monitor along the way. This will make it easier for you to track your progress and stay motivated. Keep in mind that your goals may change over time, so check and adapt your timeline.
  3. Remember to regularly review and adjust your timeline ,as your goals may change over time.

You can construct an effective timeline to help you achieve your objectives by following these goal-setting guidelines.

How to handle roadblocks and difficulties along the way?

As you work toward your goals, you will encounter setbacks and hurdles. It’s how you deal with them that matters. The first stage is to have a positive attitude and trust in oneself. It’s also critical to maintain your sights set on your objectives and to keep moving forward. Breaking your goals down into smaller, more doable steps is one method.

It will be easier for you to get back on track if you have a setback.

Finally, do not be reluctant to seek assistance when necessary. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

You may overcome any challenge by following these procedures.


petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.

Read My Story here.

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