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How to Change Your Paradigm In 9 Easy Steps
Change your paradigm, and your life will change.
But first, you must first comprehend the concept of paradigms to change your life.
In short: A paradigm is a set of ideas or a belief system that we hold onto and continue to practice despite evidence to the contrary.
It can include negative concepts like self-sabotage, perfectionism, and so on.
- You’ve tried everything to manifest what you want.
- What could be wrong if you’re still not seeing the results?
- You must be working in negative paradigms, according to the law of attraction teacher and famous author Bob Proctor.
- It’s time to recognize your paradigms in order to shift your thinking and alter your life.
But, exactly, what is a paradigm?
Please continue reading to learn what it means, how you’re forming it, and how to change your paradigm to transform your life.
Let’s get started.
What Is A Paradigm, Exactly?
A paradigm is a set of programmed beliefs that influence our actions. A plan, method, model, or pattern is referred to as a “paradigm” in Greek.
- The paradigms we hold are critical to the goals we achieve
- It’s because most of our activities are governed by habit
- Even if we aren’t aware of it, we all have paradigms that are deeply programmed into our subconscious minds
We’d be too slow to act and waste energy deciding how to do things if we had to start from the beginning, each time. As a result, your paradigm determines how you handle everything in your life. Your mornings, the rest of the day, weekends, and other regular activities in your life.
This means that if you labor within a damaging system that isn’t functioning to your advantage, you won’t get the results you want.
You’re probably intrigued about how this vital system works.
What is the Process of Creating a Paradigm?
You create a paradigm shift by choosing and acting on the concepts you accept and repeat.
Your paradigm is what you think about:
- money
- relationships
- happiness
and everything else.
The way you handle money and the way you were loved as a child came from what your surroundings told you. You accepted it and built your beliefs around it. These beliefs still affect you today.
Paradigms Examples
You have a goal, and you are working towards it.
Today, you work on the project that is difficult for you. You do this by cleaning up, meditating, and then going to work. You want to do more than what is comfortable for you so that you can reach your goal.
- You get ready for work as soon as you wake up. You have a plan for what you are going to do, but you are not limited by a deadline. If you don’t feel inspired or compelled enough to do something, then you put it off and wait for inspiration or a sense of urgency.
- You can work inside either of these paradigms as long as your decisions are consistent. The conscious mind, on the other hand, may help you decide what to do right now; the subconscious mind remembers and uses those actions to create a system.
- Preprogrammed actions are done by the subconscious mind. This means that you can react quickly to different situations. The subconscious mind reminds you of earlier events (mental programming) and suggests that you stick to known patterns (identify your paradigms). This is so you don’t have to make accurate decisions every day.
- This might have some benefits, but it also has some drawbacks. If you keep doing things that encourage harmful habits, your subconscious will notice and use them to influence the next thing you do, creating a chain of bad habits. However, if you make a big change in how you think about things, this can break the cycle.
What Does It Mean to Reframe Your Thinking?
To put it simply, Bob Proctor’s paradigm shift procedure involves a change in your belief systems and actions.
What exactly is the goal?
To achieve new outcomes, Consider this: if you want to change the structure of your company, say from retail to wholesale, you must first change the notion that powered the previous model. This strategy can also be used in other situations.
Here’s a some paradigm shift examples that you can use in your life:
- From seeking solutions elsewhere to finding them within oneself
- Instead of concentrating on the past or fretting about the future, live in the present
- To float through life without considering or deciding to live with purpose
- From noticing flaws all around you to practicing gratitude
- It is preferable to be emotionally attuned than to be emotionally unavailable
Now that you know what paradigms are stick with me for a minute and learn how to improve your life by changing your paradigm.
In 9 Easy Steps, You Can Change Your Paradigm
Let me be clear: to change your paradigm is not quick fixes that you can do over the weekend to change your subconscious paradigm. A paradigm shift takes time, and the procedures that follow must be practiced on a regular basis.
Let’s have a look at them one by one!
1. Select a new paradigm centerpiece
A pattern is set of beliefs that play out everyday without thinking about them. It would help if you faced the fact that you operate ineffectively and lose your sense of direction in life because of disorganization.
So, what is the biggest habit that keeps you from reaching your goals? Consider this carefully and ask yourself why you’re acting the way you are. You’re figuring out why you do what you do in this step. This will help you decide which component of your paradigm to concentrate on when changing it.
2. Outline your objectives
Now that you’ve identified the biggest roadblock to accomplishing your goals, it’s time to choose the desired outcome during the paradigm shift. I’m also not going to reiterate what everyone else has said about making goals on the internet. You’ll be taught by one of history’s greatest thinkers.
“If you set your goal correctly, you will almost certainly get what you want,” says Bob Proctor, author of You Were Born Rich and a fantastic presenter at the Proctor Gallagher Institute.
In the essay How to Override Paradigms and Achieve Your Goals, he noted, “Always.”
He claims that regardless of how complex your subconscious mind’s mechanisms are, you must ignore them when setting goals. In other words, when setting your goals, you should avoid thinking about what you can and cannot do. What you truly wish must be expressed.
“Set a goal to achieve something so enormous and fascinating that it excites and terrifies you at the same time,” he is famous for saying. So, put down your goals for the model shift before moving on to the next step.
3. Consider and influence the shift in perspective
Thoughts are the cause of change, yet they come and go, and if they aren’t cultivated, our subconscious won’t be able to choose between them. As a result, you must first digest crucial material and foster concepts that urge you toward development in order to ensure that your desire to upgrade grows to the point where your limiting beliefs can no longer hold you back.
By altering your ideas, you can change your perspective:
- Be a source of inspiration to others instead of only getting inspired
- Journaling to reflect your emotions
- Surround yourself with individuals that support you
Keep your efforts as close as possible to your paradigm-shifting goal. Even when you don’t feel like it, this will keep you motivated to change and keep going.
4. Begin with the uncomfortable
It’s likely that you’re not getting results because your subconscious mind keeps you in your comfort zone. It is, after all, where you go when you are stressed. It would be best if you abandoned your comfort in order to achieve a mental shift. After the subconscious notices the alteration, it will begin to reprogram.
See, anything you feed it by working actively toward your goals will heighten the desire to assist you in changing your life. That is the most important aspect of mental programming that most people are unaware of.
5. Become the person you want to be
The person you will become is determined by your notion of who you want to be. And you won’t get there by exhibiting your nice traits all the time in the future, no sir. Everything starts right now.
Being who you want to be:
- Start planning today if you want to be more organized.
- Keep track of the plans you established if you want to overcome procrastination.
- You must use marketing methods if you want to be a successful businessperson.
- Self-hypnosis is when you exercise because you want to be healthier.
The list continues. So, what kind of person do you want to be? Whatever decision you make, you should be ready to put it into action immediately away. For their particular assets to become a strength for you, you must accept them and learn to master them over time. The hard law of behavioral change is this.
6. Maintain emotional balance
Everyone goes through emotional upheavals at some point in their lives. The problem is that these feelings are unexplainable and have the potential to derail even the most well-laid plans. It’s a different story if we give them that power. Can you start seeking a fire extinguisher while the flames are consuming everything around you? What exactly am I referring to?
Understanding how to deal with some overwhelming sensations in your life can help you reduce the damage they can do.
You should always be able to predict issues and intervene.
Thinking about how to cope with the problem the next day before bedtime will help you deal with it more effectively. Even better, here are some techniques for controlling your emotions when they become overwhelming:
Relax for a few moments. Instead of distracting yourself or participating in any other activity that may cause negative emotions, take a deep breath.
- Recognize and label the feelings you’re feeling.
- Write down your thoughts and feelings. For example, “I’m angry, nervous, and perplexed.”
- Examine why you’re feeling the way you are.
- Consider the emotion as something other than your image or identity to avoid being dragged into it.
- Consider if you can deal with the emotion or let it go, depending on the circumstances.
You’ll be in a condition of balance after step #4. As a result, whenever you notice any emotions that can interfere with your paradigm shift technique, employ the actions listed above to maintain control over your mental state.
7. Use emotion to reinforce the new paradigm intentionally
Emotion is thought to be a powerful motivator. Consider this: going above and beyond for someone you love is easier than going above and beyond for someone you like. It’s also simpler to get things done when the deadline is 45 days away, especially if you’re scared about losing your job if you don’t complete a project.
People naturally associate feelings with a desire to do something.
When your subconscious mind associates a strong sense you emit when thinking about it with achieving it, it registers it and drives you in that direction when you work on it.
So, at this point, you must identify the emotions associated with your goal. You can pick between negative and good emotions, depending on what motivates you. Fear can be used to induce a paradigm shift because it is regarded as the most potent motivator.
8. Re-evaluate your goals and improve your paradigm
Goals let you see where you are now and where you want to go. You can re-examine them to make sure you’re on the right track. Based on your understanding gained during the change process, you may be able to optimize your plans even more towards success.
When evaluating objectives, you may need to shift your viewpoint. The great abilities you’ve acquired through your mind-shifting skills shouldn’t end once you’ve accomplished one goal. It would help if you used them in order to continue reaching goals that were improbable at the time.
This isn’t to argue that paradigm-shifting is a good idea. As you become adjusted to a new perspective, consider what else you might be able to do in this lifetime.
9. Repetition
This article is intended to assist you in making good long-term changes rather than short-term changes. Yes, you can discard your previous way of thinking in a month if it isn’t deeply ingrained, but most people require months or even years to adjust. As a result, Repetition is one of the most important steps.
According to Norman Vincent Peale’s book The Power of Positive Thinking, “repetition of the same concept or physical action becomes a habit, which, when performed frequently enough, evolves into an involuntary reflex.” “The biggest major change in your life will occur when you begin to believe what you say–or when others begin to tell it like it is.
In a nutshell, I don’t have to tell you that this is a paradigm shift. If you use these paradigm-shifting techniques, you can build extraordinary habits and turn into a new person your previous self never imagined.
A paradigm is a set of ideas or a belief system that we hold onto and continue to practice despite evidence to the contrary. Change your paradigm Bob Proctor says: “By choosing and acting on the concepts you accept and repeat, you establish a paradigm”.
- Bob Proctor’s paradigm shift involves a change in your belief systems and the right actions that support those beliefs.
- Your paradigm determines how you handle your mornings, the remainder of the day, weekends, and other regular events in your life.
- If you use these paradigm-shifting techniques, you can build extraordinary habits and become a person your previous self never imagined.
- The conscious mind may help you decide how to act in the present instant; the subconscious mind remembers and uses those acts to create a system.
You can work inside either of these paradigms as long as your decisions are consistent.
Here’s a paradigm shift example that you can use in your life:
The first step is to identify the biggest roadblock to accomplishing your goals. Now that you know what paradigms are stick with me for a minute and learn how to improve your life by changing your paradigm.
A paradigm shift takes time, and the procedures that follow must be practiced on a regular basis until change is made.
He claims that regardless of how complex your subconscious mind’s mechanisms are, you must ignore them when setting goals. “If you set your goal correctly, you will almost certainly get what you want,” says Bob Proctor, author of You Were Born Rich and a fantastic presenter at the Proctor Gallagher Institute.
Thoughts are the cause of change, yet they come and go, and if they aren’t cultivated, our subconscious won’t be able to choose between them.
When your subconscious mind associates a strong sense of emotion with achieving a goal, it drives you in that direction when you work on it.
Fear can be used to induce a paradigm shift because it is regarded as the most potent motivator.
Re-evaluate your goals and improve your paradigm shift.
When evaluating objectives, you may need to shift your viewpoint.
Goals let you see where you are now and where you want to go.
So, which paradigm shifts do you want to see?

Petri Maatta is a mindset coach and neuroscience-focused author with 15 years of experience in personal transformation and success psychology. After seven years of business failures, he discovered the power of manifestation through a Fortune 500 mentor. Now, he shares neuroscience-backed strategies through DreamMaker membership, helping others transform their businesses and lives on their own terms.
Read My Story here.
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